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Christ Hospital/University of Cincinnati College of Family Medicine Residency
View Residency Information

Last updated: Wednesday, July 3, 2024


The TCH-UC Family Medicine Residency program is sponsored by The Christ Hospital. This program has had a 3-year longitudinal Global Health track for interested residents since 1994. The residency is the original founding residency partner of Should to Shoulder, an international medical organization that leverages U.S.-based health resources with rural villages in Central America, South America and Africa. The TCH-UC residency partners with Santa Lucia, Intibuca, Honduras. More than 10 faculty members are involved in the longitudinal experience and have created an extensive set of curriculum and field experiences for residents. The curriculum is based on the Determinants of Health Model that has identified six major determinants of health in a population.

Locations of rotations



2123 Auburn Ave Ste 340
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219-2906


United States


(517) 256-7044




Program director

Megan Elizabeth Rich MD

Field experience

In years 1 and 2 there is a 2-week field experience. As an intern, the resident rotates through the various stations in the clinic in Santa Lucia, is involved with temporary field clinics, and may do household surveys or participate in research projects. The second-year resident is team leader for the brigade, overseeing the scheduling of participants in the work and managing the learning environment. Many residents identify this as the best rotation experience in the residency.


Didactics are taught by a faculty team from various Departments at the University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Children's Hospital. The conference include workshops, interactive lectures and traditional lectures. Topics typically include tropical medicine, care of underserved populations in the U.S., Determinants of Health, community-oriented primary care, travel medicine, country-specific topics, health policy, and working with translators. Experiences with local underserved populations and Medicaid offices are commonly included.

Additional cost information

All trip fees and salary are covered in years 1 and 2; the residency pays salary for the third-year trip abroad and up to $2,000 in travel expenses.

Number of residents who have participated in the last two years

7 - 10

Does the program accept medical students for trips?


Does the program accept residents from outside the program for trips?


Approximate time of year of trips
