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  • CDC Launches Vaccinating Children Video Series

    January 23, 2019, 06:15 am News Staff – On Jan. 15, the CDC launched the first video of the agency's new video series, "How Vaccines Work."

    This educational resource for parents follows baby Jack and his parents, offering answers to common vaccine-related questions and more information about the importance of vaccinating on schedule.

    The first video, titled "How Vaccines Work: How Do Germs Make Your Baby Sick?," shows parents how vaccines fight germs and provide babies long-lasting protection against 14 serious diseases, the CDC said.

    The second video, "Vaccines and Your Baby's Immune System," will launch in February and the third, "What to Expect When Your Child is Vaccinated," will post in March.

    Then during National Infant Immunization Week in April, the CDC will promote the entire video series.

    CDC illustration for childhood vaccination video series

    Additionally, this resource links to other useful tools, such as one titled "Making the Vaccine Decision."

    With this tool, the CDC guides parents through the decision to vaccinate their children with information on how vaccines work to prevent diseases and interact with children's immune systems, side effects and risks, ingredients, and how vaccines are manufactured to ensure safety.

    Next, the video resource links to the full childhood immunization schedule, a childhood vaccine assessment quiz and a vaccine milestones tracker.

    Finally, the CDC resource links to a page on what to expect during a child's visit to a medical office to receive a vaccine.

    This tool describes what parents typically should do before, during and after the vaccine visit. This information is broken down into tips for both babies/younger children and older children/adolescents.

    This resource also explains how parents can find and pay for vaccines.

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