• It’s Time to Submit Written Testimony on
    COD Resolutions

    Here’s Your Chance to Help Inform Decisions That Shape AAFP Policy

    Aug. 23, 2024, News Staff — Members are invited to submit written testimony on resolutions and Board reports that the 2024 Congress of Delegates will consider next month.

    AAFP Congress of Delegates

    Learn more about this year’s COD, then review the resolutions and Board reports and submit your testimony in the comments field at the bottom of each resolution or Board report from noon CT today through Sept. 3. Testimony is limited to no more than 250 words, should respect differing opinions and should not respond directly to other members who post testimony.

    For a refresher on what happens after testimony is submitted, review previous AAFP News coverage on this year’s COD. You may also want to read up on how all the components of AAFP governance fit together.