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The EveryONE Project

Education and resources to help you define and address health equity

Discover the Three Pillars of the EveryONE Project

Project Priorities

With a focus on workforce diversity, advocacy, forging partnerships with medical and non-medical organizations in your community, and education for your practice, the project priorities for The EveryONE Project aspire to see equity for patients — but also for doctors and their practice staff. 

Toolkits & Resources

As the primary health care provider for underserved populations, family physicians see the impact of social determinants of health (SDOH) every day. In order to improve the chances for healthy outcomes for your patients, you need to educate yourself and your practice team. These toolkits and resources walk you through the process of learning about your patients' communities and social influences on their health, highlighting leadership methods and ways you can engage in advocacy.


The AAFP's wide array of Health Equity CME Products provide opportunities for you to learn about equitable and inclusive care. We feature products both for physicians who are new to discussions around health equity, and physicians who want to continue increasing their knowledge and filling education gaps that arise from rapidly changing cultural awareness and medical advancements.

The Complicated History of Medicine and Black/Brown Bodies

In this presentation, Jason Glenn, PhD, Associate Professor of History and Philosophy of Medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Center discusses examples of medical experimentation on and exploitation of enslaved people and minoritized communities throughout history, and the impact this has had on the health inequities and disparities we see today. 

About The EveryONE Project

The EveryONE Project is administered through the AAFP’s Center for Diversity and Health Equity (CDHE) to make an impact on health disparities. Contact CDHE at healthequity@aafp.org with questions.

The EveryONE Project is supported in part by a grant from the AAFP Foundation.