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    Editorial Office
    11400 Tomahawk Creek Pkwy.
    Leawood, KS 66211-2672
    Telephone: 913-906-6205
    Fax: 913-906-6086
    Email: afpjournal@aafp.org

    Article proposals
    If you would like to suggest an article topic or propose an article, contact Sumi M. Sexton, MD, Editor-in-Chief (email: afpjournal@aafp.org).

    Other editorial and circulation questions
    For general information about anything other than advertising, contact the AAFP Member Resource Center, call us at 800-274-2237 or 913-906-6000, or send a fax to 913-906-6086. Use the list below to find the name, extension, and email address of the person who can best help you:

    1. Reader feedback: If you would like to give us feedback about AFP's appearance or editorial content (articles, patient information handouts, other features), contact Matthew Neff, managing editor (e-mail: afpedit@aafp.org). If you would like to write a letter to the editor, follow the instructions in the Authors' Guide at "Letters to the Editor."
    2. Delivery problems, back issues: If your issue did not arrive or if you would like to order back issues, email the AAFP Member Resource Center, call 800-274-2237 or 913-906-6000, or send a fax to 913-906-6086.
    3. Subscriptions, address changes: To place a subscription to AFP, both members and nonmembers should log in first. (If you do not have an AAFP account, please create one.) To change the address on your subscription, email the AAFP Member Resource Center, call 800-274-2237 or 913-906-6000, or send a fax to 913-906-6086.
    4. Permission to reprint or photocopy from AFP, bulk article reprints: If you plan to photocopy any material from AFP for nonprofit educational classroom use, send a detailed request to Republication Department, Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (fax: 978-646-8700). If you plan to reproduce or adapt any material from AFP for other purposes (apart from photocopying patient information handouts for nonprofit educational purposes), submit your request via email to copyrights@aafp.org. To order reprints of articles in bulk quantity, see Bulk Reprints.

    Display advertising
    Contact Darren Sextro, director of Journal Media.

    Classified information
    Contact Community Brands regarding AFP/FPM Journal Classifieds (telephone: 727-497-6568; email: (aafp@communitybrands.com).

    Permission requests
    If you are interested in duplicating/photocopying/reprinting an article published in American Family Physician (AFP), contact the AAFP intellectual property coordinator (fax: 913-906-6068; email: copyrights@aafp.org). Requests are reviewed weekly. Please include the following in your request:

    • Title of article(s)
    • Issue(s) in which the article(s) appeared
    • Purpose of your request (to include details on your organization, what type of audience, how many participants)
    • Do you want to reprint a table, figure within an article, or the article in its entirety (please be specific with table and figure numbers)?