Am Fam Physician. 1998;58(9):1939
You may recall that with the January 1, 1998 issue, AFP introduced a new look. Throughout the past year, we've been gathering readers' thoughts about the new design and considering ways we could improve on it. Our research showed that the design changes were subtle enough that some readers hardly noticed a difference, while others liked the changes but had some great suggestions. Starting with the January 1, 1999 issue, you'll begin to see the results of a year's worth of reader research, self-analysis, brainstorming and just plain hard work.
If we're successful in our quest, you may never even notice the next round of changes or stop to wonder why the journal seems better than ever, but just in case you're curious about what's in the works for next year, here's a sneak peek:
Refinements in several graphic elements in articles, including abstracts, table titles, figure titles and legends, and subheadings.
A redesigned layout for patient information handouts to increase visual appeal and readability, with ongoing efforts to establish state-of-the-art editorial standards for patient information.
At-a-glance highlights of the take-away points in “Tips from Other Journals.”
A CME calendar published in every issue to make it easier for readers to find CME opportunities.
A table of contents list that is consolidated into a neat, easily scannable package.
An expanded masthead with useful information for readers, such as how to order a subscription; how to order bulk reprints of articles; how to obtain permission to reprint, photocopy or reproduce something from the journal; how to obtain other reader services, and how to contact the editorial offices.
New approaches to reader research that will let us get better acquainted with you.
Of course, this is just part of what we have in store for you. As we begin to near the end of this millennium and plan for the next, AFP will continue to bring you more of what you want most—quality CME materials that help you deliver the best possible care for your patients.