Cutaneous scrapingAdminister local anesthesia. Clean ulcer of crust, and dry with gauze. Scrape margin and central area of ulcer, and prepare five slides.
Punch biopsyPunch 2 to 3 mm along active border; make tissue-impression smears from a biopsy sample by rolling the cut portion on a slide after blotting excess blood.
Needle aspirateThis test is useful with nodular and papular lesions, using 0.1 mL of preservative-free saline injected into the border through intact skin. Fluid is aspirated while the needle is moved back and forth under the skin; the fluid is useful for culture (blood agar Nicolle-Novy-MacNeal media).
Immunologic testsAntibodies are detected most consistently in mucosal disease. Polymerase chain reaction test is highly sensitive but not standardized. Test is species specific.
Skin testTest is no longer available in the United States.