Inside AFP
Your Feedback is Requested
Am Fam Physician. 2005;72(7):1153
Our ability to publish the kind of journal you want and need depends on feedback from you. Your input helps us make appropriate decisions to improve the journal. The survey below was distributed at the publications booth during the recent Scientific Assembly in San Francisco. If you stopped by the booth and completed the survey, thank you. For those of you who were unable to join us in San Francisco, here is your opportunity to provide feedback. Some of these questions may look familiar to you; we compare responses to previous years’ surveys to identify trends, which helps us adjust to your changing needs.
You can fax the survey to us at (913) 906–6080, or complete this online and your responses will be sent to us automatically. Go tohttps://www.aafp.org/surv6/afp5.htm to find the response form. Thank you for your input.