Am Fam Physician. 2006;73(7):1230
See related article on dementia with Lewy bodies.
What is dementia with Lewy bodies?
Dementia (duh-MEN-shuh) with Lewy bodies is the second most common form of dementia (behind Alzheimer’s disease). People who have dementia with Lewy bodies have trouble with everyday activities. They may get lost or confused in familiar places and see things or people that aren’t there. They may shake, lose their usual facial expressions, and move slowly. They also may feel sad and have vivid and sometimes violent dreams.
How can my doctor tell if I have this type of dementia?
There are no tests that diagnose this disease. Your doctor will ask for a history of the problem, especially from your family members. Your doctor also might do some tests to help rule out other diseases.
How is dementia with Lewy bodies treated?
Your doctor can help you make a list of symptoms that are most troubling and treat those first, if possible. There is no cure for this disease; patients slowly get worse. However, some medicines can help.
Where can I get more information?
Your doctor
Lewy Body Dementia Association
Web site:http://www.lewybodydementia.org/
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Web site:http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/dementiawithlewybodies/dementiawithlewybodies.htm
The Lewy Body Dementia Directory
Web site:http://www.zarcrom.com/users/alzheimers/odem/lewy-d.html