Am Fam Physician. 2006;73(9):1517
The “Clinical Quiz” in the December 15, 2005, issue (page 2428) had an incorrectly worded question for Question 5, pertaining to the article “An Approach to the Postpartum Office Visit,” on page 2491. The correct answer to this rewritten question is C. Ongoing support while breastfeeding. The question is reprinted below and the online version has been corrected.
Q5. According to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, which one of the following strategies has the best evidence for increased continuance of breastfeeding at six months?
A. Early structured breastfeeding education combined with behavioral counseling.
B. Peer counseling alone.
C. Ongoing support while breastfeeding.
D. Counseling by primary care physicians during routine office visits.