Am Fam Physician. 2007;75(10):1530
See related article on cerumen impaction.
What is earwax?
Earwax, or cerumen (suh-ROO-mun), is a wax made in your ear. It protects the skin inside your ear canal.
Can earwax cause a problem?
Not in most people. But wax can build up and block your ear canal. This can cause pain, hearing problems, ringing in the ear, or dizziness.
Who gets earwax buildup?
Anyone can get it. It is more likely in:
Older people
People with intellectual disabilities
People who use cotton swabs in their ears
People who wear hearing aids or earplugs
How can my doctor tell if I have too much earwax?
Your doctor can look into your ear canal to see if there is too much wax or if it is blocking your ear canal.
What if I have earwax buildup?
Your doctor can remove wax buildup with an ear spoon, use ear drops to soften the wax, or wash out the ear with water. There are many over-the-counter products that can remove wax. If you use one of these, be sure to follow the directions on the package. Never put cotton swabs or other items into your ear canal (see picture). Talk to your doctor if you are worried about wax buildup.