CharacteristicBereavementMajor depressive episode
PatternWaves or pangs of grief associated with thoughts or reminders of the deceased that are likely to spread further apart over timeNegative emotions experienced continually over time
Predominant affectEmptiness and loss accompanied by occasional pleasant emotionsPervasive depressed mood and the inability to anticipate happiness or pleasure
Self-esteemTypically preserved, but if self-derogatory thoughts are present they usually involve perceived failings in relationship to the deceased (e.g., not visiting the deceased more often, failing to communicate their love enough to the deceased)Critical toward self, feelings of worthlessness, and self-loathing
SociabilityMaintains connections with family and friends who have ability to consoleWithdraws from others physically and emotionally and has difficulty being consoled
ThoughtsPreoccupation with thoughts and memories of the deceased; tends to be hopefulSelf-critical or pessimistic thoughts; tends to be hopeless
Thoughts of death or suicideThoughts of death and dying focused on the deceased and perhaps reuniting with the deceasedExplicit suicidal thoughts related to feelings of worthlessness, a belief that one is undeserving of life, or a sense that one is no longer able to cope with the pain of depression
TriggersDepressed mood triggered by thoughts or reminders of the deceasedDepressed mood not tied to specific thoughts or preoccupations