Am Fam Physician. 2015;92(1):8a-10
Clarification on administration of live vaccines. The Practice Guideline “IDSA Releases Recommendations on Vaccinations in Immunocompromised Patients,” (November 1, 2014, page 664) contained incomplete information about the administration of live vaccines to household members of immunocompromised patients. The fourth sentence of the section titled “Vaccination in Household Members” (p. 665), in the paragraph discussing influenza vaccination, should have specified that live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV), rather than “live vaccine,” should not be administered to persons who live with an immunocompromised person who received a hematopoietic stem cell transplant in the previous two months, who has graft vs. host disease, or who has severe combined immunodeficiency. The distinction is important because certain other live vaccines are still permitted. The sentence should have read: “LAIV should not be administered to these persons or, if administered, contact between the immunocompromised patient and household member should be avoided for seven days.” The online version of this article has been corrected.