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Management of Chronic Tendon Injuries

Shawn F. Kane, Lucianne H. Olewinski, Kyle S. Tamminga

Tendons have a complex biology that provides strength, flexibility, and elasticity but also predisposes them to injury. Insidious onset of pain and dysfunction is a common presentation for most tendinopathies. Diagnosis is typically based on history and physical examination...

Ingrown Toenail Management

E.J. Mayeaux, Jr., Charles Carter, Tenley E. Murphy

Ingrown toenails most commonly affect the great toe; they account for 20% of foot problems in primary care. They most commonly occur in young men, and nail care habits and footwear are common contributing factors. Ingrown nails can be treated nonsurgically (for mild to...

Hirsutism in Women

Eric Matheson, Jennifer Bain

Hirsutism is the excessive growth of terminal hair in a typical male pattern in a female. It is often a sign of excessive androgen levels. Polycystic ovary syndrome and idiopathic hyperandrogenism account for most cases. Women with an abnormal hirsutism score should be...

Editorials: Controversies in Family Medicine

Should Adults with Prediabetes Be Prescribed Metformin to Prevent Diabetes Mellitus? Yes: High-Quality Evidence Supports Metformin Use in Persons at High Risk

Tannaz Moin

Yes: High-Quality Evidence Supports Metformin Use in Persons at High Risk

Should Adults with Prediabetes Be Prescribed Metformin to Prevent Diabetes Mellitus? No: Evidence Does Not Show Improvements in Patient-Oriented Outcomes

Steven R. Brown

No: Evidence Does Not Show Improvements in Patient-Oriented Outcomes

AFP Clinical Answers

Asthma, PAD and Cardiovascular Disease, Persons Who Inject Drugs, Crohn's Disease, Insulin Analogs

Is adding a long-acting beta-agonist to an inhaled corticosteroid safe for patients with persistent asthma? | Should asymptomatic adults be screened for PAD and cardiovascular disease with the ankle-brachial index? | What infectious disease screenings and vaccinations are...

Cochrane for Clinicians

Vaccines for Preventing Influenza in Healthy Children, Healthy Adults, and Older Adults

William E. Cayley, Jr.

Influenza vaccination reduces rates of laboratory-confirmed influenza and symptomatic influenza-like illness in healthy children, healthy adults, and older adults. There is no consistent evidence that influenza vaccination reduces school absenteeism in children, parental...

Photo Quiz

Hematologic Abnormality in a Young Soldier

Adam B. Howes

A healthy 21-year-old male soldier stationed in Qatar presented with abdominal cramping that began two weeks prior. The pain, which he rated as a 7 out of 10, was brought on by eating. Although this resulted in him eating less to avoid the pain, he did not have significant...

Implementing AHRQ Effective Health Care Reviews

Chronic Neck Pain: Nonpharmacologic Treatment

Tyler W. Barreto, Jeff H. Svec

Which noninvasive nonpharmacologic treatments for chronic neck pain improve function or pain for at least one month?


Dapagliflozin in High-Risk Type 2 Diabetes Reduces Hospitalization for Heart Failure But Does Not Reduce Death, Myocardial Infarction, or Stroke

Mark H. Ebell

More Evidence Against Antibiotics for Acute Asthma Exacerbations

Nita Shrikant Kulkarni

Practice Guidelines

Infantile Hemangioma: AAP Releases Guideline for Management

Lindsey Hoover

Infantile hemangiomas are the most common benign tumors of childhood, occurring in up to approximately 5% of infants. These benign vascular tumors are small, self-resolving, and do not require treatment.

Medicine by the Numbers

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy or Fecal Occult Blood Testing for Colorectal Cancer Screening in Asymptomatic Adults

Karissa A. Lambert, Ahmed Hamed, Amira Hamed

This meta-analysis provides high-quality evidence that ?exible sigmoidoscopy and fecal occult blood testing both reduce the risk of death from colorectal cancer. The study did not provide a clear answer regarding a superior screening modality, so the decision to choose one...

FPIN's Help Desk Answers

Skin-to-Skin Contact for Improved Duration of Breastfeeding

Meghan Kusko, Rebecca Benko

Skin-to-skin-contact in the immediate postnatal period should be recommended to all mothers because it is associated with a higher likelihood of exclusive breastfeeding at hospital discharge and for up to six months afterward (number needed to treat [NNT] = 5 to 8).

Information from Your Family Doctor

Ingrown Toenails

An ingrown toenail occurs when the side or corner of the nail digs into the skin of the toe. This happens mostly to the big toenail, but it can happen to any toenail.


All editors in a position to control content for this activity, AFP journal, are required to disclose any relevant financial relationships. View disclosures.

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