NerveCharacteristicsSensory deficitsMotor deficitsConservative therapySurgical indications
Axillary nerveLateral shoulder region paresthesia, shoulder movement weakness in all planes, difficulty with overhead activitiesLateral shoulderDeltoid, teres minorPhysical therapy, monitoring recovery with serial examination vs. electromyography and nerve conduction studiesNo electrophysiologic improvement after 3 to 4 months of conservative treatment
Long thoracic nerveScapular wingingNoneSerratus anteriorPhysical therapy, avoidance of aggravating activitiesPenetrating trauma resulting in nerve transection, no improvement after 18 to 24 months of conservative treatment
Median nerve at the elbow or forearm anterior interosseous nerve branchNo pain; thumb weakness; unable to make OK sign; if patient is unable to make OK sign but has sensory deficits, consider a proximal median nerve injuryNoneFlexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorum profundusRest, splinting, and observationSpace-occupying lesion, no improvement after 3 to 4 months of conservative treatment
Median nerve at the elbow (pronator syndrome)Aching pain in the proximal volar forearm; palm, thumb, or index finger paresthesiaThumb, index and middle fingers, and radial side of ring fingerVaried but may include weakened grip strengthAvoidance of aggravating activities, rest, trial of NSAIDs, steroid injectionSpace-occupying lesion, no improvement after 3 to 4 months of conservative treatment
Median nerve at the wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome)Pain in the wrist and hand, occasionally radiating to the forearm; paresthesia in the first three digits; weak grip strength due to weakness of thumb abduction and opposition resulting in difficulty with tasks such as opening doors; thenar eminence atrophy in advanced diseaseThumb, index and middle fingers, and radial side of ring fingerAbductor pollicis brevis, first or second lumbricalSplinting, physical therapy, yoga, and acupuncture for the short term
Cochrane review: nocturnal splinting more effective than placebo13
Maximal benefit of conservative treatment typically achieved around 3 months
Steroid injection
Cochrane review: symptomatic improvement for up to one month with steroid injection; more recent studies show up to 10 weeks of improvement and delay of surgery for up to 1 year14
Early surgery: evidence of moderate to severe median nerve damage on electromyography
Significant weakness of grip strength; thenar eminence atrophy; no improvement after 3 to 4 months of conservative treatment
Cochrane review: surgical decompression is better at long-term symptom management than splinting alone; unclear if surgery is better than steroid injection, especially in those with mild symptoms15
Cochrane review: endoscopic and open techniques are equally effective; however, endoscopic recovery is shorter by 8 days16
Radial nerve at the elbow (posterior interosseous nerve)Weakness in finger extension, weakness of ulnar deviation, wrist extension can be maintained (because of sparing of extensor carpi radialis longus), pain is rareNoneExtensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi, extensor carpi ulnaris, abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor pollicis longus, extensor indicis, supinatorRest, activity modification, splinting, stretching, NSAIDs; steroid injection can be therapeutic and diagnosticSignificant motor weakness is present, no improvement after 3 to 4 months of conservative treatment
Radial nerve at the elbow (superficial radial nerve)Pain 3 cm to 4 cm distal to lateral epicondyle, often causes pain at nightLateral forearmNoneRest, activity modification, splinting, stretching, NSAIDs; steroid injection can be therapeutic and diagnosticSurgery rarely required
Radial nerve at the spiral groove (radial neuropathy [Saturday night palsy])Weakness in finger and wrist extension, paresthesia of forearm and handPosterior forearm and dorsal handBrachioradialis (elbow flexion); extensor carpi radialis longus; branches distally include superficial radial nerve and posterior interosseous nerve, which can also be affectedAvoidance of repeat compression, physical therapy nearly 100% effective at 6 months based on small observational study, cock-up splint for normal hand functionFracture of the humerus resulting in nerve compromise
Radial nerve at the wrist (handcuff neuropathy)Pain and paresthesia of the hand; if motor findings are present, consider a higher radial nerve lesionDorsal radial handNoneEliminate external compression, steroid injectionSurgery rarely required, no improvement after 3 to 4 months of conservative treatment
Spinal accessory nerveWeakness in shoulder abduction (> 180 degrees), scapular wingingNoneTrapezius (shoulder shrug) and sternocleidomastoidPhysical therapy, avoidance of aggravating activitiesPenetrating trauma resulting in nerve transection, no improvement after 18 to 24 months of conservative treatment
Various nerves at brachial plexus levelTransient paresthesia and weakness from neck or shoulder traveling down the armVaried based on affected nervesVaried based on affected nervesRest, physical therapy, pain controlEvidence of anatomic abnormalities (foraminal stenosis) predisposing to repeat injury
Suprascapular nerveWeakness in shoulder flexion, abduction, external rotationSensory to shoulder jointSupraspinatus (shoulder abduction) and infraspinatus (external rotation of the shoulder)Physical therapy to maintain range of motion, activity modification to limit overhead activitiesEarly surgery for space-occupying lesion (i.e., ganglion cyst)
Systematic review of 21 studies (275 athletes) showed lower patient-reported pain as tracked by visual analog scale and a return to sport of 92% of athletes17
Ulnar nerve at the elbow (cubital tunnel syndrome)Pain, paresthesia, numbness in the fourth and fifth digits; weakness in finger abduction, thumb abduction, and thumb-index pincer; positive Tinel sign at the cubital tunnel; weak wrist flexion not due to the median nerve innervation of flexor carpi radialis and flexor digitorum superficialis, which compensate for loss of flexor carpi ulnarisHypothenar eminence, fifth finger, and ulnar side of fourth fingerIntrinsic hand muscles, flexor carpi ulnarisActivity modification, NSAIDs, elbow pads, physical therapy, night splinting in 45 degrees of extension with neutral forearm, steroid injectionNo improvement after 3 to 4 months of conservative treatment
Most common procedures are surgical decompression or nerve transposition; in one Cochrane review they were equally effective18
Ulnar nerve at the wrist (cyclist's palsy)Atrophy of intrinsic hand muscles (hypothenar, lumbrical, interosseous); pain, paresthesia, numbness of the hand; positive Froment sign (Figure 6; eminence, fifth finger, and ulnar side of fourth fingerIntrinsic hand muscles (grip strength)Patient education, activity modification, padding on handlebars, splinting, physical therapy, and NSAIDs; steroid injection not indicated because causes are usually related to structural or mechanical abnormality; drain ganglion cyst if this is the causeManagement of anatomic cause (e.g., ganglion cyst, lipoma, hook of hamate fracture), no improvement after 2 to 4 months of conservative treatment
Postsurgical splinting and rehabilitation recommended
Typical return to work in 6 to 8 weeks