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  • Articles

    Acute Abdominal Pain in Adults: Evaluation and Diagnosis

    Ken S. Yew, Mary K. George, Heidi B. Allred

    The most common causes of acute abdominal pain are gastroenteritis and nonspecific abdominal pain. The location of pain, history, examination findings, and imaging in selected patients help guide the workup.

    Growth Faltering and Failure to Thrive in Children

    Emily T. Goodwin, Katie L. Buel, Laurel D. Cantrell

    Growth faltering, previously known as failure to thrive, is usually caused by inadequate caloric intake. It can also be caused by inadequate absorption of nutrients and excessive use of energy. Growth faltering is identified using standardized growth charts and can often be...

    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Diagnosis and Management

    Stephen D. Cagle, Jr., LaTraia S. Landrum, Anne Marie Kennedy

    Patients with suspected chronic obstructive pulmonary disease should have the diagnosis confirmed with spirometry. Disease severity is based on spirometry results and symptoms. Treatment should be approached in stepwise fashion based on symptom severity.

    Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Rapid Evidence Review

    Michael J. Arnold, Andrew Gaillardetz, Jafar Ohiokpehai

    Lower urinary tract symptoms from benign prostatic hyperplasia affect 25% of American men, nearly half of whom have at least moderate symptoms. Evaluation focuses on determining severity of symptoms and stepwise therapy.

    Infertility: Evaluation and Management

    Kiwita Phillips, Raimot A. Olanrewaju, Folashade Omole

    Infertility affects between 8% and 12% of couples of reproductive age worldwide. Causes of infertility are characterized as female factor, male factor, and unknown or unexplained. Early identification and referral are recommended.

    Common Types of Supraventricular Tachycardia: Diagnosis and Management

    Munima Nasir, Ashley Sturts, Adam Sturts

    Diagnostic testing can be performed in the outpatient setting, although extended cardiac monitoring may be needed to confirm the diagnosis. Acute management includes vagal maneuvers or synchronized cardioversion and possibly medications. A long-term management plan should be...


    AFP 2023: Introducing Revista Médica AFP Podcast, New Fellow and Representatives, Updates and Statistics, and Thanking Peer Reviewers

    Sumi M. Sexton

    This editorial introduces the Revista Médica AFP Podcast and new members of our editing team, highlights the top 20 AFP articles of 2022, provides an update on AFP’s statistics for print circulation and website visits, and thanks our peer reviewers.

    Addressing Disparities in Infertility Care

    Ashley Wiltshire, Rachel McConnell, Luwam Ghidei

    In the United States, many couples with infertility have been unable to benefit from improvements in assisted reproductive technologies because of significant racial and socioeconomic disparities.

    AFP Clinical Answers

    Acute Otitis Externa, Fibromyalgia, Major Depressive Disorder, Hyperkalemia, Osteoporosis, Corticosteroids During Pregnancy, Trigger Point Pain

    Key clinical questions and their evidence-based answers directly from the journal’s content, written by and for family physicians.

    Graham Center Policy One-Pager

    Integrated Behavioral Health Clinics Are Lacking in Areas With High Mental Health Distress

    Winifred Gallogly, Alison N. Huffstetler

    Analysis using national data demonstrates that, in 2020, integrated clinics existed across the United States; however, the areas with highest mental distress had lower integration and access.

    Medicine by the Numbers

    Antibiotics for Acute Bacterial Conjunctivitis

    Kento Sonoda, Yuki Takeuchi

    Based on a high potential for bias, significant heterogeneity among trials, and limited generalizability, we have assigned a color recommendation of yellow (unclear benefits) to this review.

    Cochrane for Clinicians

    Osteoarthritis of the Hip and Knee: Can Antidepressants Help?

    Kento Sonoda

    Antidepressants provide a 50% or greater pain reduction in patients with hip and knee OA compared with placebo. Antidepressants cause more adverse effects compared with placebo.

    Benefits and Harms of Systemic Corticosteroids for Radicular and Nonradicular Low Back Pain

    Jeffrey C. Leggit

    In patients with radicular low back pain, systemic corticosteroids increase the likelihood of improvement in function at short-term follow‐up. In adults with nonradicular low back pain, the use of systemic corticosteroids does not lead to a discernible effect on pain or function.

    FPIN's Clinical Inquiries

    Fecal Immunochemical Testing Compared With Colonoscopy

    Richard Guthmann, Robert Martin, Ashtyn Dixon

    No trials have directly compared colonoscopy and sequential FIT. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force estimates that, over a lifetime, using colonoscopy compared with FIT may avert one additional death for every approximately 500 people screened starting at 50 years of age.

    U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

    Hormone Therapy for the Primary Prevention of Chronic Conditions in Postmenopausal Persons

    The USPSTF recommends against the use of combined estrogen and progestin for the primary prevention of chronic conditions in postmenopausal persons. The USPSTF recommends against the use of estrogen alone for the primary prevention of chronic conditions in postmenopausal...

    Putting Prevention Into Practice

    Hormone Therapy for the Primary Prevention of Chronic Conditions in Postmenopausal People

    Howard Tracer, Cyrus Haselby

    This PPIP quiz is based on the recommendations of the USPSTF.

    Photo Quiz

    Rectal Pain and Rash in a Man Who Is HIV-Positive

    Kristi L. Koenig, Christian K. Beÿ, Roneet Lev, Aileen M. Marty

    A man with well-controlled HIV infection presented with rectal pain preceded by diarrhea and rash. The rash consisted of salmon-colored macule and papules.

    Fever and Skin Rash

    Sam Longfellow, Camilla Monteiro

    A 23-month-old infant presented with fever and lethargy, followed by a rash that began on her lower back, then spread to her arms, legs, and cheeks.

    Diary of a Family Physician

    Diary of a Family Physician

    Jason E. Marker, Micahlyn Powers

    First-person accounts from the front lines of family medicine.

    Point-of-Care Guides

    Prognostic Tools for Risk Stratification in Patients With COVID-19

    Lindy Krebs, Aaron Saguil

    Is it possible to identify patients who are at low risk for severe disease from COVID-19 based on clinical examination alone or supplemented by laboratory testing?

    Diagnostic Tests

    Guardant Health Shield Screening for Colon Cancer

    Kaylee De Tranaltes, Steven R. Brown

    The Guardant Health Shield blood test should not yet be ordered for colorectal cancer screening. More research is needed before comparing this test’s accuracy, benefits, and harms with other colon cancer screening methods used regularly in primary care.

    Lown Right Care

    Overdiagnosis of CKD in Older Adults: Unnecessary Interventions, Costs, and Worry

    Alan R. Roth, Andy Lazris, Helen Haskell, John James

    A collaboration between AFP and the Lown Institute promotes a vision of delivering heath care that is based on the evidence, balanced in its approach, and focused on the patient.


    Pilocarpine 1.25% Ophthalmic Solution (Vuity) for the Treatment of Presbyopia

    Tia Tucker, Jessica Early

    Vuity is an effective drug used to treat age-related vision loss. Its easy administration and rare adverse effects may encourage use. However, the high cost of Vuity in comparison to other available treatment options may limit its availability for most patients.


    H. pylori Eradication: Effective for Cure or Improvement of Functional Dyspepsia, Especially if Eradication Is Confirmed

    Mark H. Ebell

    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Is Noninferior to Escitalopram for Adults With Anxiety Disorder

    David C. Slawson

    Morning and Bedtime Dosing of Antihypertensives Have Similar Rates of Major Cardiovascular Events

    Henry C. Barry

    Twice-Daily Low-Dose Aspirin Is Similar to Enoxaparin for Thromboprophylaxis After Inpatient Treatment for Fracture

    Mark H. Ebell

    Practice Guidelines

    Hyperbilirubinemia in Newborns: Updated Guidelines From the AAP

    Kiana Espinosa, Steven R. Brown

    The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) updated guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of hyperbilirubinemia in infants born at more than 35 weeks of gestation.

    Letters to the Editor

    Compression Stockings May Reduce Postthrombotic Syndrome

    Herbert L. Muncie, Jr.

    Long-Acting Injectable Clozapine Not Available in the United States

    Linda J. Griffith

    Information from Your Family Doctor

    Growth Faltering: What You Should Know

    Growth faltering is used to describe children who weigh a lot less or who are growing much more slowly than most others their age. It has also been called failure to thrive.

    COPD: What You Should Know

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is a lung disease that makes it hard for you to breathe. Over time, your lungs become irritated or damaged. Mucus may block airways. This makes it hard for air to get through. The air sacs in the lungs may become stiff and...

    Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, causes your prostate gland to get bigger. The prostate gland is an organ that is usually the size of a golf ball that makes semen and surrounds the urethra.


    Infertility is not being able to get pregnant after 12 months of trying. It may be caused by medical problems in you, your partner, or both. About 25% of couples do not have a clear reason for their infertility. If you are 35 to 40 years old, ask your doctor for an evaluation...

    Supraventricular Tachycardia: What You Should Know

    Supraventricular tachycardia (SOO-prah-ven-TRIK-u-lar tak-eh-KAR-dee-ah), or SVT, is a condition that causes your heart to beat faster than it should. Bouts of SVT are often short.


    All editors in a position to control content for this activity, AFP journal, are required to disclose any relevant financial relationships. View disclosures.

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