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Prenatal Care: An Evidence-Based Approach

Sarah Inés Ramírez

Well-coordinated prenatal care that follows an evidence-based, informed process results in fewer hospital admissions, improved education, greater patient satisfaction, and lower pregnancy-associated morbidity and mortality.

Joint and Soft Tissue Injections

Julie A. Creech-Organ, Sarah E. Szybist, Jacqueline L. Yurgil

Musculoskeletal conditions are reported by 48% of the population and are a significant component of primary care visits. A patient's understanding of risks, benefits, and alternatives to injection promotes patient-oriented outcomes.

Food Allergies: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Dellyse M. Bright, Holly Leigh Stegall, David C. Slawson

The diagnosis of food allergies starts with a detailed, allergy-focused history. Primary treatment is eliminating the offending food from the diet. No medications are effective for preventing allergic reactions to food. Infants with early exposure to allergenic foods are less...

Pressure Injuries: Prevention, Evaluation, and Management

Adam J. Visconti, Orlando I. Sola, Priya V. Raghavan

Pressure injuries are localized damage to skin or soft tissue. Prevention should focus on nutritional status, repositioning, and appropriate support surfaces. Skin assessments are crucial for evaluation, and treatment should involve pressure off-loading, appropriate bandage...

Evaluation of Acute Pelvic Pain in Women

D. Jason Frasca, Caitlyn E. Jarrio, Justin Perdue

Signs and symptoms of acute pelvic pain in women are often nonspecific. The differential diagnosis is broad, based on the patient's age and pregnancy status and gynecologic vs. nongynecologic etiology. History findings can guide the physical examination, laboratory studies,...

Speech and Language Delay in Children

Jedda Rupert, Pamela Hughes, Daniel Schoenherr

Family physicians are integral in the identification and initial evaluation of childhood speech and language delays. Parental observations and milestone assessment aid in the identification of abnormalities.


Treatment of Mild Hypertension: Seeing Through SPRINT

Stephen A. Martin

Since 2015, hypertension care has been contentious because of a single study: SPRINT. The results surprised myself and others in primary care, as did differing specialty interpretations about how—or whether—these results should influence hypertension management.

Dietary Remission of Type 2 Diabetes: Opportunities for Family Physicians

Kevin Sherin, Sulekho Egal, Rocio Silva Sanchez

Given the negative effects of diabetes on patients, families, and communities, family physicians should counsel patients with a recent diagnosis about the benefits of a structured weight loss intervention, including diabetes remission.

Medicine by the Numbers

Oral Anticholinergics for Overactive Bladder Symptoms

Leah A. Stem, Sean P. Haley

The 2019 American Urological Association guidelines for treatment of nonneurogenic overactive bladder in adults recommend behavior therapy as first-line treatment, with anticholinergics as second-line treatment or used in conjunction with behavior therapies.

Graham Center Policy One-Pager AFP Clinical Answers Cochrane for Clinicians

Inspiratory Muscle Training for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Stephanie Algenio Anciro, Anna Milliren

Inspiratory muscle training improves symptoms, physical fitness, and quality of life in patients with COPD. When combined with pulmonary rehabilitation, inspiratory muscle training makes no difference compared with pulmonary rehabilitation alone.

Effectiveness of Inhaled Corticosteroids for Acute Asthma Exacerbations

Tyler Rogers, Gregory Altman, Paige Williams, Patient Perspective by Helen Haskell

In this Cochrane review, patients with mild to moderate persistent asthma and symptoms consistent with an acute asthma exacerbation who are treated with increased doses of ICSs show no reduction in the need for further intervention with primarily systemic corticosteroids vs....

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Diagnostic Tests

BioFire Respiratory Panel for the Detection of Viruses and Bacteria

Nick F. Bennett, Ashley L. Bissaillon

The BioFire RP2.1 is a rapid and accurate test that can assist with timely antiviral therapy and infection control measures, but evidence is mixed over its clinical benefit in decreasing the length of antibiotic use in adults.

Diary of a Family Physician

Diary of a Family Physician

Fasih Hameed, Hannah Maxfield

First-person accounts from the front lines of family medicine.

Curbside Consultation FPIN's Clinical Inquiries

Open Glottis During Delivery and Perineal Trauma

Viviane de Souza Santos Sachs, Simone Bigelow, Jennifer Weakley, Livia Maruoka Nishi, Helga Skaftason

Open glottis pushing during the second stage of labor is a prolonged exhalation while contracting the stomach muscles. There is conflicting evidence about whether maintaining an open glottis during delivery prevents perineal trauma.

Photo Quiz

Edematous Lower Lip

Julie A. Creech-Organ, Reid Rivers

A woman presented with lower lip swelling.

Intraoral Lesions in a Newborn

Diana Trang, Shauna Norman, Michelle L. Lawson

An infant presented with several small lesions on the mucosal surface of his lower lip.

POEMs Practice Guidelines Letters to the Editor Information from Your Family Doctor

Joint and Soft Tissue Injections

A joint injection is a shot with a needle into a joint (where two or more bones meet to allow movement, such as the knee). A soft tissue injection is a shot into a soft tissue space (such as the space between a muscle and a bone). Doctors can use the needle to remove fluid or...

Food Allergies

Food allergies happen when your body has a bad reaction to something you eat. This is not food poisoning. Babies and children are more likely to be allergic to peanuts, cow's milk, tree nuts (like pecans and walnuts), eggs, soy, and wheat. You can develop food allergies at...

Evaluating Acute Pelvic Pain

It is pain or discomfort in your lower stomach or pelvic region (area below your stomach and between your thighs) that has been happening for less than three months.

Speech and Language Delay in Children

Speech and language delay can cause your child to have problems saying words and phrases, understanding what is being said, or putting feelings, thoughts, and ideas into words.



Incorrect symbol. In the article “Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome: Outpatient Management” (September 2021, p. 253), Table 4 incorrectly used the > symbol instead of the ≥ symbol in the next-to-last row (p. 259). It should have read, “Severe and complicated withdrawal symptoms ...


Vaccination recommendation. In the Practice Guideline “ACIP Approves 2023 Child/Adolescent and Adult Immunization Schedules” (March 2023, p. 319), the recommended schedule for pneumococcal vaccination for adults younger than 65 years was not clearly stated. The first sentence...


Incorrect recommendation. In the article “Tuberculosis: Common Questions and Answers” (September 2022, p. 308), the recommended cutoff age for interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) testing was listed incorrectly. In the first paragraph of the “What Are the Advantages and...


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