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2020 AFP Peer Reviewers

Acknowledging and Thanking AFP's Peer Reviewers for 2020

Sumi M. Sexton, MD, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, District of Columbia

Peer review continues to be an essential and valuable process for the journal, and we are very appreciative of the work reviewers do in helping us develop sound content for AFP. In addition to recognizing peer reviewers for volunteering their time, we continue to highlight reviewers who provided exceptional feedback and received a high rating on the reviews they provided to AFP authors and editors (listed in bold). An archive of past AFP peer reviewers is available. My hope is to continually improve our processes, enrich the skills of our current and future reviewers, and highlight more exceptional reviewers year after year.

If you are interested in reviewing for AFP, please visit the Reviewers' Guide and complete a reviewer profile, or email us at afpjournal@aafp.org. For new reviewers, we highly recommend that you find a mentor for your first review. Please let us know if you are interested in mentoring others in the peer review process.

Editor's note: Dr. Sexton is Editor-in-Chief of AFP.

Joyce Adams, MD
Niran S. Al-Agba, MD
Amir Alakaam, PhD, MS, RDN, LN, MBChB
Emily Albright, MD
Tanya Elizabeth Anim, MD, FAAFP
Harshith Reddy Avula, MD, MPH
R. Eugene Bailey, MD
I. Cori Baill, MD, NCMP, FACOG
David Bamberger, MD
Robert L. Barkin, MBA, PharmD, NHA
Courtney Leigh Barnes, MPH, MD
Aleksandr Belakovskiy, MD
Catherine M. Bettcher, MD
Subhash C. Bhatia, MD, MB, BS
Rajib K. Bhattacharya, MD
Stephanie R. Bialek, MD, MPH
Laura M. Blinkhorn, MD*
Michael Bogaisky, MD
Christopher M. Boisselle, MD
James P. Borgstede, MD
Azra Borogovac, MD
John C. Brancato, MD
Glenn Braunstein, MD
Peter J. Carek, MD, MS
Eugene Carragee, MD
Caroline Castillo, MD
William E. Cayley, Jr., MD, MDiv
Andy Chern, MD, MPH
Donna M. Cohen, MD, MSc
Jeffrey M. Cohen, MD
Carrie Cwiak, MD

Robert Dachs, MD
Joshua Dahlke, MD
William Alexander Dalrymple, MD
James M. Daniels, MD, MPH, RMSK

Alec DeCastro, MD
Neelima Denduluri, MD
Christina DeRemer, PharmD
Kristi Tough DeSapri, MD
Mark E. Deutchman, MD
Paul S. Dhillon, MBBCh
Mark A. Dixon, PhD
Joanna Drowos, DO, MPH, MBA
Tina Dumont, MD, PhD
Rebecca Dunsmoor-Su, MD
Richard Ericson, MD, FACC

Jamie Feldman, MD, PhD
Steven Feldman, MD, PhD
Edward R. Feller, MD
Megan L. Ferderber, MD, CAQSM, FAAFP
Heather Finlay-Morreale, MD
Melanie A. Fisher, MD, MACP, MSc*
Brian Ford, MD, FAAFP
Daniel Jason Frasca, DO*
Andrew M. Freeman, MD
Bishara J. Freij, MD*
Sean Frey, MD
Jeanetta Frye, MD
Kriti D. Gandhi, MD
Shravan Kumar Reddy Gangula, MD
David Stephen Garcia, MD

Peter Gerbino, MD
Richard Anthony Giovane, MD*
Scot Bradley Glasberg, MD
Deborah Glassman, MD
Michael Glick, MD
Stephen John Gluckman, MD
Laura Williams Goff, MD
Christopher W. Goodman, MD
David Steven Gregory, MD*

Anne D. Halli-Tierney, MD
Diane M. Harper, MD, MPH, MS
Stephen Helms, MD
Joel Herness, MD
Marc P. Hilgers, MD, PhD, FAAFP, FAMSSM
Cherie Cerella Hill, MD
Natalie F. Holt, MD, MPH
Gretchen Homan, MD
Erin M. Horsley, DO
Alison Noell Huffstetler, MD

Duncan Hughes, MD, MPH
Lloyd David Hughes, BSc, MBChB, DGM, DAPCM, MRCGP
Edward A. Jackson, MD
A. Patrick Jonas, MD
Christopher E. Jonas, DO, FAAFP, CAQSM
Maura J. Jones, PharmD
Anubhav Kanwar, MD*

Hayah Kassis-George, MD
Michael G. Kavan, PhD
Nicholas A. Kessides, MD
Judy Lu Kim, MD*

Scott Klass, MD, MS
Ruhail Kohli, MBBCh, BAO*
Peter Kouides, MD*
Katelyn E. Krivchenia, MD

Tara Neubert Kumaraswami, MD, MPH
Robert C. Langan, MD
Rotem Lapidot, MD, MSCI
Allen R. Last, MD, MPH
Lawrence M. Leeman, MD, MPH*

Townes Randolph Leigh, Jr., DO, CAQSM
Jaime D. Lewis, MD
Paola Lichtenberger, MD
Robert Lipsitz, MD, MPH, MA
Elizabeth G. Livingston, MD

Richard S. Lucidi, MD, FACOG
Hitesh Makkar, MD*
Christian T. Marcum, DO*

Kari L. Martin, DO
Eric Morgen Matheson, MD, MS
Jason M. Matuszak, MD, FAAFP, COQSM, RMSK*
Todd D. McDiarmid, MD

Vivek Rashmikant Mehta, MBBS
Elissa Meites, MD, MPH, FAAFP
Ganesh Prasad Merugu, MD, CMD
Thomas C. Michels, MD, MPH
David Clinton Miller, MD, MBA, FAAFP, FAPCR
Kenneth Moon, MD

Anna Camille Moreno, DO
Fernando Moreno, MD*
Mitchell R. Moriber, DO
John Mulvey, MD, FAAFP
Herbert L. Muncie, Jr., MD
Tiffany Munzer, MD
Louisa Murdin, MSc, BMBCh, MRCP
Puneet Nurang, MD
Dusty Marie Narducci, MD
Rathna Rao Nuti, MD
Vladimir Ognenovski, MD
John O'Kane, MD
Sandepp R. Pagali, MD, MPH
Nikita S. Patil, MBBS
Jyothi R. Patri, MD, MHA
James Phalen, MD
Kevin Proud, MD
Natasha Pyzocha, DO
Anita Rajasekhar, MD*

Efstathios Andreas Rallis, MD, PhD
David Awrey Randall, MD*
Jennifer J.K. Rasanathan, MD, MPH

Stephen D. Ratcliffe, MD
Ehud Rath, MD*
Karen Ratliff-Schaub, MD
David Lee Rebedew, MD
John Rectenwald, MD, MS
Karl T. Rew, MD

Tyler S. Rogers, MD, FAAFP
Frank Romanelli, PharmD, MPH
Kathryn E. Rooney, MD
Mallika Sabharwal, MD

Samuel Sandowski, MD
Amit Sapra, MD, FAAFP
John Schmitt, MD
Philipp Schuetz, MPH
Russell Searight, PhD, MPH
Mandi Sehgal, MD
Jarrett Sell, MD

Daniel Selvig, MD
Anthony Louis Shadiack, DO
Jay H. Shubrook, DO
Eric Siegal, MD
Hugh Silk, MD, MPH
Vinu T. Sista, DDS
Dustin K. Smith, DO, FAAFP
Matthew Snyder, DO
Katherine Snyder, MD

Marianna M. Sockrider, MD
Jeremy Sperling, MD
John A. Sterba, MD, PhD, FACEP
Eliza L. Sutton, MD, MA, FACP
Jillian Sylvester, MD, CAQSM*
Bernard Tawfik, MD*
Jeanette Tetrault, MD, FACP
Pariwat Thaisetthawatkul, MD

Duska Thurston, MD
Lisa Usdan, MD
Prayong Vachvanichsanog, MD
Karla M. Vega Colon, MD
Meagan Vermeulen, MD, FAAFP
Jose M. Villalon-Gomez, MD, MPH*
Cathy M. Violette, DNP, MSN, WHNP-BC, AWHC-RNC
Adam J. Visconti, MD
Stephen Warnick, Jr., MD*

Amy Wasserman, MD
Michael F. Weaver, MD
Jacqueline Weaver-Agostoni, DO, MPH
Norman Wetterau, MD, FAAFP, FASAM
Mark Whealy, MD
Brett White, MD
Joshua Z. Willey, MD, MS
Ashley Paige Williams, MD, FAAFP
William Hayes Wilson, MD
David Winchester, MD
Johnnie Yates, MD
Nicole Yedlinsky, MD, CAQSM, FAAFP, RMSK
Benjamin Zaniello, MD*
Bill Zepf, MD*

* Person completed more than one review in 2020.
Names listed in bold indicate reviewers who provided exceptional feedback and received a high rating on the reviews they provided.