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  • 2022 AFP Peer Reviewers

    Acknowledging and Thanking AFP's Peer Reviewers for 2022

    Sumi M. Sexton, MD, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, District of Columbia

    Peer review continues to be an essential and valuable process for the journal, and we are very appreciative of the work reviewers do in helping us develop sound content for AFP. In addition to recognizing peer reviewers for volunteering their time, we continue to highlight reviewers who provided exceptional feedback and received a high rating on the reviews they provided to AFP authors and editors (listed in bold). An archive of past AFP peer reviewers is available. My hope is to continually improve our processes, enrich the skills of our current and future reviewers, and highlight more exceptional reviewers year after year.

    If you are interested in reviewing for AFP, please visit the Reviewers' Guide and complete a reviewer profile, or email us at afpjournal@aafp.org. For new reviewers, we highly recommend that you find a mentor for your first review. Please let us know if you are interested in mentoring others in the peer review process.

    Editor's note: Dr. Sexton is Editor-in-Chief of AFP.

    Josephine Abraham, MD, MPH
    Akochi O. Agunwamba, MD
    Shilpa H. Amin, MD, MBsc
    David H. Au, MD, MS
    Puneet Aulakh, MD
    I. Cori Baill, MD, NCMP, FACOG
    James Baraniuk, MD
    Courtney Leigh Barnes, MD, MPH
    Craig Barstow, MD
    Max M. Bayard, MD
    Jonathan Bergman, MD, MPH
    Subhash C. Bhatia, MD, MB, BS*
    Richard Alan Bickel, MD
    Robert Blank, MD, PhD
    Laura M. Blinkhorn, MD
    Gautam Borthakur, MD
    Joshua D. Boucher, DO
    Joshua Brotman, MD
    Jonisha R. Brown, MD
    Wiyanna K. Bruck, PharmD, BCPS, BCIDP
    Hugh Grosvenor Calkins, MD*
    Steven Canon Brodar, MD
    Rebecca Caro, BS, DO, FAAFP
    Dimitri Cassimatis, MD
    Partha Sarathi Chakraborty, MD
    Rajalakshmi Cheerla, MD, MBBS
    Andy Chern, MD, MPH
    Satyakant Chitturi, MD
    Jean E. Cibula, MD
    Lindsey Clarke, MD*
    Daniel Clauw, MD
    Elizabeth G. Conlon, MD
    Patrick Alan Courtney, MD
    Sarah N. Dalrymple, MD
    Srinivas Dannaram, MD
    Agena Davenport-Nicholson, MD
    Amanda S. Davis, MD
    Swapan Dholakia, MD
    James S. Distelhorst, MD
    Mark A. Dixon, PhD
    Kurtis Elward, MD, MPH
    Sean C. Engel, MD
    Shannon Keane English, MD
    Michael Erlandson, MD
    Henry M. Feder Jr., MD
    Jamie Feldman, MD, PhD
    Edward R. Feller, MD
    Jonathon M. Firnhaber, MD, MAEd, MBA
    Lauren Fishbein, MD, PhD
    Bridget Foley, MD
    Sim Galazka, MD
    Ria Garg, MD
    Andrew Garrison, MD
    Robert L. Gauer, MD
    Robert Michael Gerbo, MD
    Louis Arsenio Gerena, MD*
    Richard Anthony Giovane, MD
    Deborah Glassman, MD
    Eliza Gordon-Lipkin, MD
    Michael K. Gould, MD, MS
    Paul A. Greenberger, MD
    David Greenhalgh, MD
    Shamai Grossman, MD
    Laura K. Grubb, MD, MPH
    April O. Gunn, DO
    Karen Gunning, PharmD
    Shawn Gurtcheff, MD
    Noa C. Hammer, MD, MPH
    Keith Hansen, MD
    Seneca Harberger, MD
    Diane M. Harper, MD, MPH, MS
    Gregory Wayne Heath, DHSc, MPH
    Robert Hudak, MD
    Alfonso Ilardi, MD
    Khushleen Jaggi, MD
    Rachna Kalia, MD
    Kathleen Kan, MD
    Muthumeena Kannappan, MD, MPH
    Kristine Karlson, MD
    Jonathan J. Keung, MD
    Seyed Parham Khalili, MD, MA
    Jagadish B. Khanagavi, MD, FACP, FACC, FSCAI
    Michael Jin Kim, MD, FAAFP
    Donald Kimpel, MD
    Dana Kissner, MD

    Jeremy Korsh, MD
    Mary Korytkowski, MD
    John C. Lam, MD, FRCPC, MSc, BSc (Pharm)
    Robert C. Langan, MD
    Jason S. Lanham, MD, MA, FAAFP
    Kelley Vance Lawrence, MD
    Wan-Ju Annabelle Lee, MD, PhD
    Rebecca LeLeiko, MD, MS
    Glenn Levine, MD
    Elizabeth G. Livingston, MD*
    Zachary London, MD*

    Paula Mackrides, DO
    Shashidhar Reddy Madireddy, MBBS
    Jared S. Magee, DO, MPH
    Indrajeet Mahata, MD*
    Syed Nazeer Mahmood, MD
    John Malaty, MD
    Arthur Mandelin, MD
    David Lonnie Maness, DO, MSS

    Chetna Mangat, MD, IBCLC
    Carol Mathew, MD
    Ian C. Michelow, MD
    Mark E Molitch, MD
    Rizwana S. Mollah, MD
    Anna Camille J. Moreno, DO
    Fernando Moreno, MD
    Darlene Moyer, MD
    Herbert L. Muncie Jr., MD
    Ryan Murray, MD
    Dusty Marie Narducci, MD
    Patrick Naughton, MD

    Eddie Needham, MD, FAAFP
    Pamela Obi, MD
    John Charles O'Horo, MD, MPH
    David D. Ortiz, MD
    Scott Loring Paradise, MD
    Rinkesh Patel, MD, MPH, FAAFP
    Darshan J. Patel, MD, FAAFP, MPA
    Philip Perez, MD
    Jay Peters, MD
    Millicent Peterseim, MD
    James Phalen, MD
    Miriam Pomeranz, MD
    Donald Pompan, MD
    Charles R. Powell, MD
    Christina M. Puchalski, MD, MS, OCDS, FACP, FAAHPM
    Julie Radico, PsyD, ABPP*
    Arvind Babu Rajendra Santosh, MDS, BDS
    Kalyanakrishnan Ramakrishnan, MD
    David Awrey Randall, MD*
    Mana Rao, MD
    Jennifer J.K. Rasanathan, MD, MPH
    Gary A. Ratkin, MD
    Jeremy Reed, MD, MPH&TM
    Stephen Reich, MD
    Donald P. Rice Jr., MD
    David J. Riedel, MD, MPH
    Nayab Rifat, MD
    Jane Roitsch, PhD
    Jullia Rosdahl, MD, PhD
    John Robinson Saltzman, MD
    Dillon Jason Savard, MD
    Andrew John Saxon, MD
    Marjorie E. Scaffa, PhD
    Thomas M. Schelby, MD
    Andrew B. Schneider, MD, MS
    Jeremy D. Schroeder, DO, CAQSM, ATC
    Russell Searight, PhD, MPH
    Ahmad R. Sedaghat, MD, PhD
    Jessica T. Servey, MD, MHPE
    Kamaljit Sethi, MD
    Niranjan Kumar Sharma, MBBS, FRNZCGP, PhD
    Ashwin Shetty, MD
    Simren Singh, MD
    Kristina Sinnott, MD
    Vinu T. Sista, DDS
    Savannah W. Smith, MD, FAAFP
    Clay Smith, MD
    Jennifer I. Stern, MD
    Christi Ann Stewart, MD
    Ian J. Stewart, MD
    Sarah Stumbar, MD, MPH
    Kyja K. Stygar, MD
    Meera Sunder, MD

    Denise K.C. Sur, MD
    Seth Sweetser, MD
    Jillian Sylvester, MD, CAQSM, FAAFP

    Brian C. Templet, MD
    Jonathan L. Temte, MD, PhD
    Marc Tunzi, MD
    Greg Vanichkachorn, MD
    Seetha Venkateswaran, MD
    Katherine D. Vickery, MD
    Jose M. Villalon-Gomez, MD, MPH
    Cathy M. Violette, DNP, MSN, WHNP-BC, AWHC-RNC
    Kirsten Vitrikas, MD
    Richard W. Waguespack, MD*
    Christopher Warner, MD
    Amy Wasserman, MD*
    Richard C. Waters, MD, MSc
    Sarah Weaver, MD
    Jamie Drew Weinand, MD
    Geoffrey A. Weinberg, MD
    Avery Weiss, MD
    Joshua Z. Willey, MD, MS
    Mark Williams, DC
    Pamela M. Williams, MD
    William Hayes Wilson, MD*
    David Winchester, MD
    Tyler N. Winkelman, MD, MSc
    Kelly E. Wood, MD
    Angus Worthing, MD
    Velyn Wu, MD
    Mark Allen Wurth, MD, PhD
    Susan Zelitch Yanovski, MD
    Barbara Yawn, MD, MSc
    Jacqueline Lis Yurgil, DO, CAQSM, FAAFP
    Bill Zepf, MD
    Adam J. Zolotor, MD, MPH

    * Person completed more than one review in 2022.
    Names listed in bold indicate reviewers who provided exceptional feedback and received a high rating on the reviews they provided.