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  • 2023 AFP Peer Reviewers

    Acknowledging and Thanking AFP's Peer Reviewers for 2023

    Sumi M. Sexton, MD, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, District of Columbia

    Peer review continues to be an essential and valuable process for AFP, and we greatly appreciate reviewers’ contributions in developing sound content for our journal. In addition to recognizing reviewers for volunteering their time, we highlight those (listed in bold) who provided particularly exceptional feedback to authors and editors. My hope is to continually improve our processes, enrich the skills of current and future reviewers, and highlight more exceptional reviewers year after year.

    If you are interested in reviewing for AFP, please visit our Reviewers' Guide for more information. We highly recommend that new reviewers find a mentor for their first review. Please let us know if you are interested in mentoring others in the peer review process.

    An archive of past AFP peer reviewers is available.

    Editor's Note: Dr. Sexton is Editor-in-Chief of AFP.

    Nazem Abdelfattah, MD
    Anessa Afroze, MD
    Eric L. Anderson, MD*
    Nay Linn Aung, MD
    Monica Avila, MD, MPH
    Michael Awad, MD, PhD
    James Bailey, MD
    Stacie Barkin, PsyD
    Courtney Leigh Barnes, MD, MPH*
    Scott F. Bartram, MD
    Margaret Baumgarten, MD
    Diego Alfonso Beltran, MD
    Jonathan Bergman, MD, MPH
    Kathryn Berryman, MD
    Jeffry Bevan, MD
    Subhash C. Bhatia, MD, MB, BS
    Vijaya Raj Bhatt, MBBS
    Wendy S. Biggs, MD
    Roberty Blank, MD, PhD
    Scott W. Bragg, PharmD, BCPS
    Joshua Brotman, MD
    Emily Buck, MD
    Kelton Burbank, MD
    Karen Cormier Burks, MD
    Jenna L. Butner, MD
    Erwin Tolentino Cabacungan, MD, MPH
    Sarah Cappleman Shekailo, MD
    Dimitri Cassimatis, MD
    Jennifer G. Chang, MD
    Kristy Charles, MD
    Marc A. Childress, MD*
    Satyakant Chitturi, MD
    Jeanne Marie Clark, MD, MPH
    Lindsey Clarke, MD
    Diana Coffa, MD, MSc
    Jeffrey M. Cohen, MD
    Caitlin Collier, MD*
    Elizabeth G. Conlon, MD
    Daniel Coyne, MD
    Nathan J. Culberson, MD
    James M. Daniels, MD, MPH, RMSK
    Jaividhya Dasarathy, MD, FAAFP
    Kristi Tough DeSapri, MD
    Malini B. DeSilva, MD, MPH
    Camille Dunkley, MD, MS*
    Robert Ellis, MD
    Kurtis Elward, MD, MPH
    Shannon Keane English, MD
    Richard J. Fantus, MD
    Steven Feldman, MD, PhD
    Todd M. Felix, MD
    Edward R. Feller, MD
    Daniel Jason Frasca, DO
    Andrew M. Freeman, MD
    William D. Freeman, MD
    Jonathan G. Gabison, MD
    Michelle Gallagher, DO
    Kriti D. Gandhi, MD
    Peter Gerbino, MD*
    Louis Arsenio Gerena, MD*
    Larissa Gouvea, MD
    Simon B. Griesbach, MD
    Cornelia Griggs, MD
    Miriam Hadj-Moussa, MD
    Daniel E. Hall, MD
    Lalitha T.W. Hansch, MD
    Edward P. Havranek, MD
    William John Healy, MD*
    Stephen Helms, MD*
    Joel Herness, MD
    Cherie Cerella Hill, MD
    D. Ashley Hill, MD
    Garry Wai Keung Ho, MD, CAQSM
    Kattie Hoy, MD
    Anne C. Jones, DO, MPH
    Donna Marie Kaminski, DO, MPH*
    Kristine Karlson, MD
    Chris Keenan, MD, MPH
    Seyed Parham Khalili, MD, MA

    Jagadish B. Khanagavi, MD, FACP, FACC, FSCAI
    Catherine Peony Khoo, MD
    Dana Kissner, MD
    David A. Klein, MD, MPH
    Daniel Knight, MD
    Peter Kouides, MD
    Indumathi Kuncharapu, MD
    Elisabeth Kuper, MD
    Adam C. Lake, MD
    Leah E.B. Lalor, MD
    John C. Lam, MD, FRCPC, MSc, BSc (Pharm)

    Matthew Lammi, MD
    Kelley Vance Lawrence, MD
    Rebecca LeLeiko, MD, MS
    Elizabeth G. Livingston, MD
    Joshua E. Lundberg, MD, FAAFP, FAWM
    Shashidhar Reddy Madireddy, MBBS
    Indrajeet Mahata, MD
    Syed Nazeer Mahmood, MD

    Vinit K. Makkar, MD
    David Lonnie Maness, DO, MSS
    Chetna Mangat, MD, IBCLC
    Susan Matulevicius, MD
    Jason M. Matuszak, MD, FAAFP, CAQSM, RMSK*
    Ann Marie Mercier, MD
    Thomas C. Michels, MD, MPH
    Mark E. Molitch, MD
    Fernando Moreno, MD*
    John Muench MD, MPH
    Herbert L. Muncie Jr., MD
    Gerald V. Naccarelli, MD
    Dusty Marie Narducci, MD*
    Tam Nguyen, MD
    Linda K. Oge, MD
    Suzanne Oparil, MD
    David D. Ortiz, MD
    Samantha Pabich, MD, MPH
    Ahmed Khurshid Pasha, MD
    Nikita S. Patil, MBBS
    Matthew Perez, MD
    Melissa Piliang, MD
    Scott Plensdorf, MD
    Hans Pohl, MD
    Nikki Pritchett, MD
    Kevin Proud, MD
    David Awrey Randall, MD*
    Jennifer J.K. Rasanathan, MD, MPH
    Jeremy Reed, MD, MPH&TM
    Kristina M. Reinstatler, PharmD*
    Caroline R. Richardson, MD
    David Ring, MD, PhD
    Simon Ritchie, MD*
    W. MacMillan Rodney, MD, FACEP
    Andrea Marie Rosado, MD*
    Rob Sambursky, MD
    Andrew John Saxon, MD
    Payam Sazegar, MD
    Thomas M. Schelby, MD
    Jocelyn Schiller, MD
    Jeremy D. Schroeder, DO, CAQSM, ATC
    Russell Searight, PhD, MPH
    Rebecca M. Seifried, DO, RDN
    Jarrett Sell, MD
    Warren R. Selman, MD
    Christina Shenko, MD
    Hugh Silk, MD, MPH
    Vinu T. Sista, DDS
    Jeremy Sperling, MD
    Ryan Anderson Sprouse, MD
    Jennifer I. Stern, MD
    James J. Stevermer, MD
    Christi Ann Stewart, MD
    Sarah Stumbar, MD, MPH
    Samantha Swords, MD
    Krishna Syamala, MD
    Jillian Sylvester, MD, CAQSM, FAAFP
    Sandhya Tagaram, MBBS, MD, FAAFP
    Kaleigh Timmins, MD
    Christian Alberto Tomaszewski, MD, MS, MBA*
    Bryan M. Tucker, MD
    David T. Tzou, MD
    Lisa Usdan, MD*
    Hendrikus S. Vanderveldt, MD, MBA
    Jose M. Villalon-Gomez, MD, MPH*

    Carlos Villanueva, MD
    Kevin A. Volkema, DO
    Richard W. Waguespack, MD*

    Gordon S. Walbroehl, MD
    Richard Waldhord, MD
    Stephen Warnick Jr., MD
    Amy Wasserman, MD
    Sarah Weaver, MD
    Joseph Weiner, MD
    Andrea K. Westby, MD
    Carrie M. Wirth, MD
    Prashanth Reddy Yella, MD
    Daniel E. Yoder, MD
    Bill Zepf, MD*
    Jingna Zhao, MD
    Denise Zwahlen, MD

    * Person completed more than one review in 2022.
    Names listed in bold indicate reviewers who provided exceptional feedback and received a high rating on the reviews they provided.