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About Us

FPM (Family Practice Management) is an award-winning, peer-reviewed journal published since 1994 by the AAFP. Through its bimonthly print journal, weekly e-enewsletter, and extensive website, FPM provides practical information to help family physicians improve their practices, careers, and the patient experience. FPM is indexed in MEDLINE, the U.S. National Library of Medicine's premier bibliographic database, PubMED, and CINAHL. (ISSN: 1069-5648 print; 1531-1929 online.)

The FPM Team


Medical Editor
James DomDera, MD, FAAFP

Managing Editor 
Brandi White

Senior Editor
Andy Marso

Editorial Advisory Board

Natasha Bhuyan, MD

Corey Lyon, DO, FAAFP

Alicia A. Kowalchuk, DO, FASAM

Vinita Magoon, DO, JD, MBA, MPH, CMQ

Mary E. Krebs, MD, FAAFP

Disclosure: All editors and editorial advisory board members in a position to control content for this CME activity, FPM journal, have indicated they have no relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Contributing Editors 

Cindy Hughes, CPC, CFPC; Angela M. Lanigan, MPA, RD, LD; Erin Solis

See also our Peer Reviewers.


Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer
R. Shawn Martin

Senior Vice President of Education, Inclusiveness, and Physician Well-Being
Margot Savoy, MD, MPH, FAAFP

Vice President of Journal Media
Darren Sextro

Editorial Director
Leigh Ann Backer

Project Specialist
Marilyn Harvey

Editorial Coordinator 
Elizabeth Jahns   

Advertising Sales

Ad Services and Sales Support Specialist
Stefanie Valenzano


Circulation Manager
Susi Cordill

Senior Circulation Strategist
Rebecca Harp

Circulation Specialist
Frances Spitsnogle

Production and Design

Production Director
Bret A. Taylor

Art Director 
Christine Schneider

Production Design Manager
Stacey Herrmann

Senior Production Designer 
Bryan Colley

Senior Production Designer 
Randy Knittel

Senior Digital Production Specialist 
Evan Palmer