Fam Pract Manag. 1998;5(5):8
If you haven't stopped by our web site recently, you're missing a good resource. You may not be aware that, for a year now, we've been posting the full text of every FPM article and not even charging for access the way some journals do. Our aim is to make FPM as useful to you as possible, and as long as we can afford to provide unlimited online access, we will. I don't think I'm being old-fashioned in saying that online access has a long way to go to match the ease and convenience of a print journal, but it does add a useful dimension by providing a fully searchable database of past issues, as well as special features like our downloadable list of ICD-9 codes important in primary care.
I mention the web site now partly because we've just passed the first anniversary of going to full-text format, but also because of a recent event we're quite proud of. The FPM portion of the Academy's web site just won the Silver Award for general excellence in the 1998 Excel Awards sponsored by the Society of National Association Publications. This testimony to the utility and attractiveness of the site is a welcome sign that FPM continues on the forefront of medical publishing.
If, after visiting the site, you have comments or suggestions for improvements, please let us know. Just e-mail me while you're online. Whatever awards we win, we will always measure our success by how well we serve family physicians.