Fam Pract Manag. 1999;6(1):13
To the Editor:
I just finished reading the interview with Nancy Dickey, MD (“The New AMA President Answers Your Questions,” June 1998). My interest was piqued when I saw a reference to osteopaths — until I read her comments about the relationship between osteopaths and allopaths: “We see increasing numbers of programs that are actually seeking accreditation from both osteopathy and medicine ... .”
Statements such as these make it seem as though we are not really doctors. We take the same classes as allopathic physicians; plus, we take additional classes and exams in our manipulative skills. In fact, many allopathic physicians are now taking classes from us in manipulation.
The American Osteopathic Association has chosen at times like these not to defend our honor, but this type of insult must be addressed by at least one osteopath who is proud of our differences — and similarities!