Fam Pract Manag. 1999;6(2):12
To the Editor:
I have been a certified pediatric nurse practitioner in independent private practice for 27 years, and I was pleased to read the correct description of the history of my profession, the education of a nurse practitioner and the philosophical similarities of nurse practitioner practice and family physician practice.
Nurse practitioners and family physicians have much in common and have historically been collaborative colleagues. In my office and in countless other offices across the state of New York, nurse practitioners and family physicians are impacting health care together, and individuals and communities are living longer, healthier lives as a result of their joint efforts.
Turf battles are best left to the insecure, and I don't believe that family physicians generally fall into this category. You know what you do, and you do it well. Many family physicians also know what nurse practitioners do, and we want to work collaboratively with you. It works. I know it. My patients know it. Family physicians know it.
Editor's note: This letter is a response to “Nurse Practitioners: Growing Competition for Family Physicians?” in our October 1998 issue.