Fam Pract Manag. 1999;6(6):9
To the Editor:
I hope readers took note of the articles about voice recognition software (“Voice Recognition Software: A Tool for Encounter Notes,” February 1999, and “A Comparison of Voice Recognition Programs,” April 1999). This software is one of the best money-saving devices I've come across for my practice.
In November, I purchased Dragon Systems' NaturallySpeaking Medical Suite for a laptop PC, and the system paid for itself within a few months. (My transcription costs used to be more than $1,000 per month.) I picked up the system on a Friday afternoon and was using it in my office by Monday, after only four hours of training with the program.
My dictations are in the chart the same day I see a patient, making it much easier to process referral requests. And many of my routine visits are in the form of templates, so it takes just a few minutes to dictate, for example, a full history and physical.
I highly recommend this system to anyone who wants to maintain neat charts while saving money.