Fam Pract Manag. 2000;7(6):13
To the Editor:
The article “Overcoming Compassion Fatigue” touched my life deeply. The term “compassion fatigue” is excellent, and the description of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual exhaustion is so true.
I lost a practice opportunity because of the way I chose to deal with my fatigue, stress, depression and other negative emotions. Fortunately, I'm blessed with a wonderfully supportive husband and a close circle of friends who have helped me in the healing process. And I have worked with a psychiatrist who prescribed appropriate medications for the anxiety, depression and sleep disturbances. But it took three months before I could say, “I'm ready to go back to work.”
With the help of this article, I plan to develop my own “practice principles” to assist me in sorting my priorities as I interview for positions.
Thank you for addressing an issue that many experience but don't know how to put into words.