Electronic Medical Records: 10 Questions I Didn’t Know to Ask
Jaymi S. Meyers
Buying an EMR system? No matter how great it seems to be, get good answers to these questions before you buy.
Jaymi S. Meyers
Buying an EMR system? No matter how great it seems to be, get good answers to these questions before you buy.
David Schechter
The secrets are to think like a reviewer, hone your documentation skills and be a good communicator, says this FP who’s seen both sides of UR.
Terrence E. Steyer
You may be surprised by the number of your patients using CAM therapy. This primer provides the background and tips you’ll need to have a productive conversation about it.
David C. Kibbe
Now that the final privacy rules have been published, your practice can’t afford to ignore this legislation.
Robert L. Edsall
Reading the newspaper this morning, I was struck – maybe “hit in the face” is better – by a full-page ad for electron beam tomography (EBT). The headline said, “This may be the most important ad you’ll ever read,” and the main message was that “your doctor will confirm” that...
Kent J. Moore
These nine tips will help you restore your practice’s financial health.
Kent J. Moore
Initial observation care + initial hospital care | Calculating prolonged services | Preventive medicine codes | Sebaceous cyst excision
Docs sue six health plans | National outcomes database in the works | PRACTICE PEARLS from here and there | PRACTICE PEARLS from here and there | PRACTICE PEARLS from here and there | Average salary offerings | Group visits | Oh, Canada | I just work here | Illness prediction...
Robin S. Gotler, Jack H. Medalie, Stephen J. Zyzanski, George E. Kikano, Louise S. Acheson, Kurt C. Stange
For some physicians, the family focus goes deeper than simply taking a health history.
Melvin J. Knight
Using key words increases the accuracy of voice transcription technology and makes charting more cost-effective.
Gail Levy, Daniel R. McCune, Julie Henry, Sofia R. Plotzker
FTEs per physician | Disposing of patient records | Medical equipment for sale | Releasing workers’ comp records
John Spicer
Working as a medical missionary gives Tim Myrick, MD, time to care for the sick and spread the Gospel.
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