How secure is your palm-top?
Fam Pract Manag. 2001;8(7):13
To the Editor:
I’d like to add to “Using Your Palm-Top’s Date Book as a Reminder System” [May 2001, page 50]. Once patient information is entered into a palm-top computer, confidentiality issues must be addressed. Although palm-tops have a locking security feature, the user must remember to activate it each time they want to secure their computer – making it unsuitable since no one can be expected to use it 100 percent of the time.
I recommend Sign-On (http://www.cic.com/products/signon; $19.99) or TealLock (http://www.tealpoint.com/softlock.htm; $16.95). Both programs enable users to program their palm-tops to automatically lock-out after a user-defined period of inactivity. Sign-On is simple to use, offering the ability to use your signature, initial or any other mark you choose as a method of “unlocking” your computer. TealLock has quite a few options using the on-screen buttons or number pad, but doesn’t use a signature-based method to unlock the computer.