Electronic MOM Care forms
Fam Pract Manag. 2003;10(5):12
To the Editor:
In “Sharing Maternity Care” [March 2003, page 37], the authors mention an electronic version of the Management of Maternity (MOM) Care program used by the Carilion Health System. The MOM Care pages on the AAFP Web site (www.aafp.org/momcare.xml) only offer a paper format. Is an electronic version available? If not, has the AAFP considered developing one?
Editor’s response:
The AAFP has not produced an electronic version of the MOM Care program. Dr. Boyle has modified the OB template in her electronic medical record with questions from the MOM Care chart documentation form. It would be extremely costly to develop an electronic form that could be integrated into each of the many EMR systems available. The AAFP has considered offering an electronic version for personal digital assistants and a portable document format (PDF) version and may do so in the future.