Fam Pract Manag. 2003;10(7):25-26
Observation status and consultations
Coding the treatment of depression
Medicare certification and recertification
Reimbursement for a surgical tray
CPT code for semen analysis
Paperwork codes
Counseling codes
Urine sample & 99211
An AAFP e-mail discussion list is now available for you and anyone you work with who has an interest in procedure (CPT/HCPCS) and diagnosis (ICD-9) coding. The list is an unmoderated forum for participants to help each other with coding questions. It is open to anyone, including Academy members, but it does not support attachments.
To join the list, send an e-mail tolyris@mail.aafp.org and type “SUBSCRIBE coding [your first and last name]” in the body of the message (not the subject line). Once the subscription request is approved, you will receive another e-mail from the system confirming the subscription and providing guidelines, instructions, etc.
Editor’s note: While this department represents our best efforts to provide accurate information and useful advice, we cannot guarantee that third-party payers will accept the coding and documentation recommended. Because CPT and ICD-9 codes change annually, you should refer to the current CPT and ICD-9 manuals and the “Documentation Guidelines for Evaluation and Management Services” for the most detailed and up-to-date information.