EMRs aren’t for everyone
Fam Pract Manag. 2003;10(8):16
To the Editor:
I have yet to see one unfavorable thing written about electronic medical records (EMRs) in FPM. This disturbs me because, with rare exception, all the people I know who have taken the plunge into EMRs hate it. It increases charting time by hours a day, increases costs as outlined in “Implementing an EMR System: One Clinic’s Experience” [May 2003, page 37] and looks like an overall bad idea for most, except those committed to new technology. Do you have an article coming out on the downside of EMRs? I don’t think so.
Editor’s response:
We would welcome the opportunity to review manuscripts written by physicians who want to share what they’ve learned from their positive or negative EMR experiences. Please send manuscript submissions to fpmedit@aafp.org.