Enjoying the commute
Fam Pract Manag. 2007;14(8):11
I enjoyed Dr. Mitchell L. Cohen's piece “Making the Most of the Daily Commute” [The Last Word, July/August 2007]. I ran into similar boredom in a 1993 green Saturn sedan. Now I like to commute by bike. My commute is 10 minutes each way by car or about 22 minutes by bike. It takes a bit longer, but I find myself invigorated when I get to the office. On the return, I shed stress, work up a good sweat and am more relaxed when I get home to connect with my family. I'm sneaking a bit of painless physical activity into my day! I also get to greet neighbors audibly rather than fuming at other drivers under my breath. Commitments sometimes get in the way, but I end up feeling as though each trip by bike is a treat!