Fam Pract Manag. 2007;14(10):44
Walk the walk
To show our patients that we are committed to exercise and maintaining a healthy weight, our practice has monthly “tennis shoe days.” On these days, staff members wear tennis shoes, and we give out pedometers that we purchase for this purpose. This reinforces the message we deliver when we counsel patients about the importance of healthy lifestyles.
Make a good first impression
Most family physicians start the workday by parking behind their practice and entering through a back door. Instead, enter your practice through the front door occasionally. This lets you see your practice's exterior and waiting room through your patients' eyes. Be on the lookout for things like an overgrown lawn, a littered sidewalk or an untidy waiting area.
First impressions matter, and you'll never know what kind of opening impression your practice is making unless you go look for yourself from time to time.
Increase the time you have for patients
How much time do you spend searching for handouts, walking to the printer, talking with drug reps, filling out forms, authorizing refills or rummaging through the sample closet? These small tasks add up to valuable time by the end of the day – time that should be spent seeing patients. Try these tips to minimize the amount of your time these uncompensated tasks require:
Use refill protocols to allow nursing staff to manage prescription refills.
Instead of dispensing medication samples that introduce patients to drugs that are unlikely to be covered by their insurance companies, save a trip to the sample closet. This will ultimately save you from follow-up calls and authorization requests.
Clearly document in patients' charts directions for the nursing staff regarding medications, tests and follow-up.
Appropriately delegate the management of authorizations. Keeping medical records up to date and accurate can help to keep these issues from reaching your desk.
You should constantly reflect on your practice's processes and strive to find inefficiencies. As you go through your day, ask yourself, “Do I need to perform this activity personally?” If the answer is no, talk with support staff about taking the duty off your hands.