The latest word on OB care in family medicine
Fam Pract Manag. 2008;15(1):13
The article by Sarina Schrager, MD, MS, “Balancing a Personal Life With OB Care” [The Last Word, June 2007] was so commonsense and helpful. We're going to use it as a starting point at our new maternity care group, which we're forming to address the dropout rate of family medicine residents from maternity care.
Dr. Schrager's article came to me at a perfect time. I am inducing my postdate patient with only a few hours left before I have to pick up my youngest child at day care. I might need to sign the patient out, and if I need to I will. A year ago I would have felt like I was abandoning the patient, but times have changed.
I needed to be reminded that we are a team of family doctors who deliver exceptional care, and our patients are not going to fire us for having a life. When we can be there, we are. I have hung this article in my office to remind me of this when I am wearing thin and trying to do too much. I am grateful to Dr. Schrager for sharing her thoughts. And thank you, FPM, for printing it.