FPM and payment reform
Fam Pract Manag. 2011;18(5):12
I read with interest the testimony of AAFP President Roland A. Goertz, MD, MBA, to the health subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee on May 5, 2011. I thought his testimony about alternatives to the sustainable growth rate formula – a blended payment model in particular – was informed and well organized. (Dr. Goertz's testimony is available as a PDF download or as part of the AAFP News Now story.)
I have been a member of the AAFP for many years and was among the first to take the board certification examination of the American Board of Family Practice (now the ABFM) in 1970. I now work as a clinical director at the Utah State Developmental Center and feel fortunate to be actively involved in the practice of medicine after all these years.
In April 1994, Family Practice Management published the article “
,” which I wrote with help from Robert L. Edsall, editor in chief of FPM.
After reading Dr. Goertz's testimony and seeing that he referenced several articles, I was disappointed that our article was not among them. I realize our article was written some time ago, but I firmly believe it contains the essence of Dr. Goertz's testimony as far as his recommendation for payment reform is concerned.