Fam Pract Manag. 2011;18(6):8
In regard to “The 2011 EHR User Satisfaction Survey: Responses From 2,719 Family Physicians” [July/August 2011], I used to have an electronic health record (EHR) system. The company that created it was bought out, and then the second company was bought out. The third company stopped supporting my system and instead offered me a newly designed system with new hardware – at full price.
I have not yet found a system that is actually faster than paper or more useful. I can't see investing in unstable products that are designed to increase reimbursement rather than to improve clinical outcomes and care. The cost of these systems is significant and, from my best calculations, will slow me down and cost me more (net) than the bonuses I'll receive. I'm sitting on the sidelines with an open mind.