Referrals: Ask consultants to do the work
Fam Pract Manag. 2012;19(1):5
The methods referenced in the article “Simple Tools to Increase Patient Satisfaction With the Referral Process” [November/December 2011] could be an improvement for some offices, but the process sounds labor intensive. The best solution is to have the consultants do the work of scheduling the referral appointment. They will make the revenue from our referrals, so they have an incentive to do this work. As long as we fax or electronically send the consult request with all of the appropriate information, they can more easily handle all the logistics of scheduling the patient's visit. Our offices just need to make sure we get the date and time for the patient's record and that we receive the consultant's note within an appropriate time frame. My practice is moving to this process, using a joint agreement, and the consultants are very supportive.