Fam Pract Manag. 2012;19(4):5
I enjoyed reading the article “How Inclusive Leadership Can Help Your Practice Adapt to Change” [January/February 2012]. Top-performing organizations survive because they have learned to adapt to environmental changes (both internal and external) quickly and effectively. Furthermore, their leadership and staff members understand that they can shape their own future.
I am a supporter of holding regular staff meetings, as the article suggests; however, some “inclusive” meetings I have attended did not have clearly set agendas. The unfortunate consequence was that some members of the group who had been active participants in previous meetings disengaged from discussions and appeared to lose interest. Based on this observation, I believe it is important that leaders set clearly defined agendas for every meeting and search for opportunities to engage every team member by inviting comments and suggestions and by giving positive feedback to any contribution made by a team member.
Editor’s note: More FPM content on meeting management is available at https://www.aafp.org/fpm/2003/0700/p59.html or https://www.aafp.org/fpm/2000/0600/p78.html.