Fam Pract Manag. 2012;19(5):30
Debra Seyfried is the coding and compliance strategist for the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). Kent Moore is the AAFP's manager of health care financing and delivery systems and a contributing editor to Family Practice Management. Author disclosure: no relevant financial affiliations disclosed. These answers were reviewed by members of the FPM Coding & Documentation Review Panel, including Robert H. Bösl, MD, FAAFP; Marie Felger, CPC, CCS-P; Thomas A. Felger, MD, DABFP, CMCM; Emily Hill, PA-C; Joy Newby, LPN, CPC; Mary Thomas, RHIT, CPC; and Susan Welsh, CPC, MHA.
Smoking cessation
Subsequent observation care
Medicare annual wellness visit eligibility
Definition of “new patient”
NO ICD-9 UPDATES FOR 2012-2013
To enable greater focus on the transition to ICD-10, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has made no ICD-9 diagnosis code changes for 2012–2013. The FPM ICD-9 reference lists published last fall are still current and available for download. The implementation deadline for ICD-10 is October 2014. Look to FPM for continued updates and advice on the transition to ICD-10.