Fam Pract Manag. 2015;22(4):37

The MyMedSchedule Mobile app enables patients to take an active role in managing their medications through setting reminders.
Source: MedActionPlan
Platforms available: iOS 4.2 or later; Android.
Pertinence to primary care practice: Medication adherence is a common issue in primary care. Poor adherence has been linked to $100 billion in annual health care costs through preventable hospitalizations and inappropriate escalation of pharmacotherapy.1 Many patients simply don't remember to take their medications. MyMedSchedule not only reminds patients to take their medications as scheduled but also allows them to view their medication names, quantities, and medical indications. A study has yet to be performed on how the MyMedSchedule mobile app affects medication adherence, but research has shown other MedActionPlan medication adherence software has improved medication adherence and patient satisfaction.2
Authoritativeness/accuracy/currency of information: In the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, MyMedSchedule was rated the best app for medication adherence.3 This rating was determined by comparing 160 platform-specific apps across multiple medication adherence app capabilities. This app can communicate complex medication instructions; store data remotely; sync, export, and print data; and search an extensive database of medications. Its medication database includes both FDA-approved medications as well as herbal formulations such as echinacea, black cohosh, ginseng, ginkgo, and St. John's Wort. The app and the medication database were last updated in 2011, so newer medications are not yet included; however, the database is expansive. If a medication cannot be found in the database, patients can enter the information directly. In addition, patients can enter their insurance information, allergies, vital signs, lab results, and health care providers' names. The app is HIPAA compliant.
Cost: Free
Ease of use: Patients or health care providers can quickly enter medications online using a computer or mobile device, and the app requires minimal entry of extraneous information. Patients can schedule medication reminders and receive them by text message or email. For patients with low health literacy or vision impairment, the app also displays a picture of each medication for easy identification. MyMedSchedule can be integrated with an electronic health record as well. The app is available in English only.
Sponsors: None

This is a free, HIPAA-compliant app that helps patients take an active role in their medication management.
S – Source or developer of app
P – Platforms available
P – Pertinence to primary care practice
A – Authoritativeness/accuracy/currency of information
C – Cost
E – Ease of use
S – Sponsor(s)