Supplement sponsor: American Academy of Family Physicians through a grant from Pfizer Independent Grants for Learning & Change.
Fam Pract Manag. 2020;27(4):17-20
The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and Pfizer Independent Grants for Learning & Change (IGLC) collaborated to offer a new immunization opportunity to AAFP state chapters. The goals of this grant opportunity were to support quality improvement (QI) initiatives that increase adult pneumococcal vaccination rates, as well as support state-level projects that increase pneumococcal vaccination rates in adults, with a specific focus on patients 65 years and older and populations living in medically underserved areas.
State chapters developed QI projects and outcomes that had an impact on direct patient care and system changes. Education and/or QI projects included team-based approaches and behavioral change resources for health care clinicians and their practice teams. As part of their QI initiative, the selected state chapters were required to implement evidence-based interventions. Evidence-based interventions, strategies (e.g., recommend, assess status, document), and system changes that are proven to increase adult immunization rates include:
• Providing strong recommendations,
• Documenting and tracking immunizations,
• Identifying missed opportunities for vaccination,
• Utilizing a team-based approach to improve immunization rates,
• Disseminating outcomes and findings,
• Sustaining outcomes and findings.