The COVID-19 pandemic changed a lot, even the journey to finding a residency. In this webinar from the AAFP's Division of Medical Education, family medicine residency directors answer applicants' most common questions heading into the 2020-2021 virtual interview season. See what questions were answered by this program below, and join the AAFP as a student member to stay in the loop on future events to help you Match.
Password to view replay: FMmatch2021
Joyce Hollander-Rodriguez, MD, Program Director, Oregon Health & Science University Cascades East Family Medicine Residency Program
Jennifer Edwards-Johnson, DO, MPH, Community Assistant Dean, Flint Clinical Campus, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
Margaret Miller, MD, MPH, Resident Physician, Family Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina
Ashley Bentley, MBA, CAE, Student Interest Stragegist, AAFP Division of Medical Education
6:16 | What’s the best way to research programs and how can I differentiate program qualities?
15:30 | Should I connect with programs beforehand or outside of ERAS? Do programs want to hear from faculty advocating for known applicants from their institutions?
18:32 | How many programs should I apply to? How do I decide whether to accept interview invitations from family medicine residency programs?
27:00 | How can I ensure I will stand out in my applications and interviews? How will I be evaluated? What is holistic review?
34:50 | What types of interviews might I expect this year and how should I prepare?
43:19 | What’s your advice for someone with an academic misstep or incomplete application because of COVID? How should challenges be addressed in the application, and in my interview, how do I show my strengths and potential?
48:23 | What should I capture, and how, about programs I interview with to advise my rank list?
54:58 | For those of use who arrived at a family medicine specialty choice late or are applying in more than one specialty, what is your advice?
58:48 | How will programs and applicants handle post-interview communications this year?