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Health Maintenance in School-Aged Children: Part II. Counseling Recommendations

Amy Locke, Kirsten Stoesser, Karly Pippitt

Because school-aged children (five to 12 years) are establishing patterns of behavior that may last a lifetime, families of these children should receive counseling and education to optimize health and wellness, focusing on the issues most relevant to the individual child....

Electronic Cigarettes: Common Questions and Answers

Michael D. Klein, Natasha A. Sokol, Laura R. Stroud

Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are popular devices that generate an inhaled aerosol, or vapor. Completely switching from cigarettes to e-cigarettes may have short-term benefits; however, the long-term effects are unknown. e-Cigarette users are exposed to heavy metals...

Editorials AFP Clinical Answers Medicine by the Numbers

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

Anna Tomdio, Michael Ritchie, Andrew C. Miller

High-quality evidence suggests that long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids do not prevent mortality (all-cause or cardiovascular) or cardiovascular disease events when used as primary or secondary prevention. Find out more.

Graham Center Policy One-Pager

Proportional Erosion of the Primary Care Physician Workforce Has Continued Since 2010

Andrew Bazemore, Elizabeth Wilkinson, Stephen Petterson, Larry A. Green

We estimate that 217,208 primary care physicians provided direct patient care in the United States in 2018. This represents an even lower percentage (30%) of the total U.S. physician cohort than the 2010 Council on Graduate Medical Education's (COGME's) recommendation to...

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Photo Quiz

Bilateral Lower Extremity Discoloration

Aparna Jain, Autumn Krcil

A 68-year-old obese man presented for chronic disease follow-up. The patient's only concern was discoloration in his lower extremities that had developed over the previous three weeks. No other areas were involved, and he had no pain or itching.


Secnidazole (Solosec) for Bacterial Vaginosis

Jeffrey C. Leggit, Aaron Saguil

Secnidazole is much more expensive than generic metronidazole and other available treatments. However, it is a safe option for women who desire a single-dose treatment or for patients in whom treatment compliance is a concern.

FPIN's Help Desk Answers

Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Postpartum Depression

Katherine Buck, Sana Zekri, Linh Nguyen, U. Jeff Ogar

In women with postpartum depression, the addition of CBT reduces depressive symptoms more effectively than usual care alone (medication and other therapies), with a medium effect size at the end of the intervention and a residual small effect size six months later.

Point-of-Care Guides Close-ups POEMs Practice Guidelines Letters to the Editor Information from Your Family Doctor

e-Cigarettes, Vaping, and Juuls: What You Need to Know

e-Cigarettes are electronic (battery powered) devices that heat a liquid to produce a smoke-like vapor. They often contain nicotine. Nicotine is the ingredient in regular cigarettes that makes them so addictive. Some people use e-cigarettes instead of regular cigarettes,...


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