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    Point-of-Care Ultrasonography

    Michael J. Arnold, Christopher E. Jonas, Rachel E. Carter

    Point-of-care ultrasonography (POCUS) reduces cost, radiation exposure, and imaging delays, and increases patient satisfaction. POCUS is useful in resource-limited settings, and the use of POCUS in primary care is increasing. When compared with formal sonography, POCUS is as...

    Sexual Health History: Techniques and Tips

    Margot Savoy, David O'Gurek, Alexcis Brown-James

    Family physicians should proactively provide a patient-centered approach to sexual health that includes disease identification and treatment. They also should be prepared to discuss topics such as erectile dysfunction and dyspareunia. Physicians and staff should be trained in...

    Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Adults: Evaluation and Management

    Thad Wilkins, Brittany Wheeler, Mary Carpenter

    Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is hemorrhage from the mouth to the ligament of Treitz. Common risk factors include prior upper gastrointestinal bleeding, anticoagulant use, high-dose nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use, and older age. Causes include peptic ulcer bleeding...


    HIV Status, Preexposure Prophylaxis, Sexual Health, and the Critical Role of Family Physicians

    Adam Visconti

    Family physicians play a key role in expanding HIV testing and treatment, as well as providing sexual health services in areas where specialty sexual health services are not readily available.

    AFP Clinical Answers

    Colorectal Cancer Screening, Breastfeeding, Miscarriage, Eczema, Routine Screening for Children

    Key clinical questions and their evidence-based answers directly from the journal's content, written by and for family physicians.

    Cochrane for Clinicians

    Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation for Maintaining Cognitive Functioning in Cognitively Healthy Adults

    Drew C. Baird, Justin R. Stewart

    Vitamin and mineral supplementation has little to no beneficial effect on preserving cognitive functioning or preventing dementia in cognitively healthy adults 40 years and older.

    Music Therapy for Depression

    Donna Cohen, Elizabeth Maxwell

    Moderate-quality evidence shows that music therapy added to standard care is more effective in the first three months than standard care alone for depressive symptoms based on clinician-rated outcomes and patient-reported outcomes.

    Curbside Consultation

    Emotional Support Animals: Considerations for Documentation

    Alice H. Tin, Peter Rabinowitz, Heather Fowler

    Companion animals are increasingly viewed as part of the family, and studies show many mental and physical benefits of pet ownership. Federal regulations require patients to obtain health care professional documentation for emotional support animals to allow these animals to...

    Photo Quiz

    Tense Bullae and Pruritus

    Matthew D. Vesely, Brianna A. Olamiju, Jonathan S. Leventhal

    A 72-year-old man presents with a two-month history of worsening pruritic rash and painful blisters on his trunk, bilateral upper and lower extremities, face, and groin.

    Diagnostic Tests

    IDx-DR for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening

    Margot Savoy

    IDx-DR is a reliable screening tool used to diagnose diabetic retinopathy in the primary care office and may reduce barriers to screening and improve gaps in eye care for those with diabetes.


    Thromboembolism Recurrence Likely; Consider It a Chronic Disease

    Allen F. Shaughnessy

    Linagliptin and Glimepiride Equally Effective for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

    David C. Slawson

    Fewer Severe Exacerbations in Patients with Mild to Moderate Asthma Treated with As-Needed Budesonide Plus Formoterol Compared with Maintenance Budesonide

    Henry C. Barry

    Guideline for Chronic Diarrhea: Screening for IBD and Celiac Disease Is In, Screening for Ova and Parasites Is Out

    Allen F. Shaughnessy

    Practice Guidelines

    Tuberculosis Screening, Testing, and Treatment in U.S. Health Care Professionals: CDC Releases Updated Recommendations

    According to 1995–2007 surveillance data reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Tuberculosis Controllers Association work group, tuberculosis incidence rates in health care professionals were similar to those in the general population.

    FPIN's Clinical Inquiries

    Tai Chi for Fibromyalgia

    Lynn M. Wilson, Zahra Raza, Linda Contillo Garufi, Drew Keister, Joan Nashelsky

    The practice of Yang-style tai chi for one hour twice weekly for 12 to 24 weeks is moderately effective in improving quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia.

    Medicine by the Numbers

    Probiotics to Prevent Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea in Children

    Elizabeth A. Suniega, D. Jason Frasca

    Antibiotics often disrupt the natural balance of nonpathogenic bacterial flora within the gastrointestinal tract. Learn more about the effectiveness of probiotics in preventing antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children.


    All editors in a position to control content for this activity, AFP journal, are required to disclose any relevant financial relationships. View disclosures.

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