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Treating Infectious Disease

Online CME

Treating Infectious Disease on device screens
CME Credits

9.5 AAFP
Prescribed Credits

Access Available

Access Through
March 17, 2026

Pathogens evolve to evade. This online CME course gives you immediate access to the latest guidelines and appropriate therapies to treat patients with highly infectious diseases, including:

  • COVID-19, long Covidand safe use of Paxlovid
  • Rising cases of congenital syphilis
  • Other sexually transmitted diseases
  • Insect vector-borne illnesses
  • Mindful approaches to antibiotic stewardship

Experts in infectious diseases who are also practicing family physicians translate the science to your own patient population. Study X-rays, charts, pictures and imagery of skin and mucous membranes to enhance your interactive learning experience.

See full list of sessions below.

AAFP Member: $325
New Physician: $275
Student or Resident: $215
Other Health Care Professional: $325
Nonmember: $425

Challenging Adult Skin Rashes (including Bullous Disorders, STIs and mpox)
Richard Usatine, M.D.

Cutaneous Viral Infections
Edward J. Mayeaux Jr., M.D.

Long Covid: Helping to Manage the Long Haul
Jacob Anderson, D.O.

Outpatient Covid Case for the Family Physician
Kurt Cook, M.D.

Reflection Session with t2p*
Kurt Cook, M.D.

Saying No to Antibiotics
Alan Ehrlich, M.D.

Syphilis in Pregnancy: A Re-emerging Health Threat
Jessica WIllow Dalby, M.D.

The Bug That Bit Me: Insects, Arachnids, Snakes and Scorpions
Benjamin Silverberg, M.D.

Updates in the Management of STIs
Edward J. Mayeaux Jr., M.D.

You Give Me Fever: Infections, the Heart and Family Physicians
David Schneider, M.D.

*Enhance your patient care today and earn up to 2 additional AAFP Prescribed credits when you complete the Translation to Practice® (t2p®) process.

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