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  • Questions About Translation to Practice® (t2p®)

    What is t2p?

    “t2p” stands for Translation to Practice and is a three-step process that complements CME activities approved for AAFP Prescribed credit. (Elective credit activities are not eligible). t2p offers learners the opportunity to apply what they learned in the CME activity, and document how learned concepts were translated into practice as part of a three-step process:

    Step 1: Commitment to Change—Learners complete a Commitment to Change statement stating what it is they wish to change in their practice.
    Step 2: Implement Change—Learners implement indicated change into practice.
    Step 3: Post-Activity Response—Learners evaluate whether the implemented change resulted in improved patient care.

    What is the purpose of t2p?

    AAFP seeks to approve activities for CME credit that are designed to improve a physician’s ability to provide quality patient care. The result of quality education is better experienced when put into practice, and t2p creates an opportunity to purposefully apply learning following participation in a CME activity.

    Who can offer t2p?

    t2p is available for use by all CME provider organizations as a supplement to any live, enduring, medical journal, or *blended learning activity approved for AAFP Prescribed credit. It is available in both simple and advanced application pathways. 

    *Translation to Practice is not eligible for Point of Care or Performance Improvement components within a blended learning activity. 

    Is this for AAFP members only?

    Both members and nonmembers may participate in t2p, though credit for participation in t2p may only be reported to the AAFP by members. Nonmembers may report the credit to their respective organizations if a credit conversion agreement exists.

    What is the cost?

    There is an additional fee of $195 associated with adding a t2p component to an activity submitted for AAFP Prescribed credit.

    Who is responsible for implementing the t2p process?

    Each CME provider organization will be responsible for the administration of the t2p process. Resources are available for CME provider organizations to use as a reference.

    How can t2p be implemented?

    The AAFP offers templates to assist with implementing the three-step t2p process. CME provider organizations are not required to use specific documentation and will retain the flexibility to modify the questions and content or create their own materials in the format of their choice. Implementation options may include paper, online platforms, or the use of online survey tools. CME provider organizations should provide learners with the necessary information and resources they will need to begin the process and will be responsible for creating their own deadlines for participating and completing the t2p activity. Learners may begin the process as soon as the CME activity has concluded.

    How will the learner’s work be evaluated?

    The CME provider organization should implement a process to review participants’ t2p work to ensure its completeness. As with all activities for which the AAFP awards credit, quality may be assessed during a random audit process, so CME provider organizations should retain all t2p data collected from learners for at least one year following the completion of the activity.

    How may credit be reported?

    AAFP members who participate in t2p may self-report the additional credit via the online portal, or by calling the AAFP’s Member Resource Center at (800) 274-2237. Nonmembers who participate in t2p may not report the credit to the AAFP and should verify with their respective organizations to determine whether AAFP Prescribed credit is accepted.

    Can CME provider organizations create their own t2p-like product?

    The AAFP offers tools for CME provider organizations to use as resources when creating their own t2p processes. Other processes to measure outcomes are always encouraged but will not be eligible for AAFP Prescribed credit.

    How do we track the t2p process?

    CME provider organizations are encouraged to inform learners if participating in t2p for an activity is an option and invite them to participate. The CME provider organization should designate a certain timeframe that learners will have following the CME activity to complete steps one, two, and three. It is up to the CME provider organization to determine how much time learners have to complete each step. All three steps must be completed before a learner can claim the credit.

    Are credits awarded per activity, or per presentation within an activity? How many credits may the learner claim?

    Learners will receive two Prescribed credits for the full completion of a t2p activity. t2p is awarded at the session level. Therefore, learners may engage in as many t2p activities as made available; however, it is up to the CME provider organization to determine the number of sessions it has the capacity to offer t2p for since each session with t2p must be tracked individually.

    For example, a live meeting approved for AAFP credit is considered one CME activity. The CME provider organization determines, at the time of application for AAFP credit submission, how many and which sessions will have a t2p component. As a result, learners can participate in a t2p activity for each session with a t2p component within the CME activity.

    Are there a maximum number of t2p credits a learner can earn towards their membership requirements?

    There is no limit on how many t2p credits a learner can earn per re-election cycle.

    How do we add a t2p component to our application for CME credit?

    CME provider organizations should select Translation to Practice as an answer option to the Outcome Methods question within the session details section of the credit application and enter the desired number of t2p topics. Learners may only participate in t2p activities that have been designated as having a t2p component by the CME provider organization and approved by the AAFP Credit System.

    Note: For advanced pathway applications, only one t2p topic should be applied to each session entered.

    Does the CME provider organization format/process for t2p have to be preapproved?

    No. CME provider organizations are not required to use the materials offered by the AAFP. These resources are designed to be used only as examples.

    Are we required to use the ® symbol?

    Yes. Translation to Practice and t2p are both registered trademarks of the American Academy of Family Physicians and must be designated as such in any written material. The registered trademark looks like this: Translation to Practice® and t2p®.

    What statement may we use in our marketing materials?

    When the activity is approved, CME provider organizations will receive a t2p credit statement along with an approval statement in the official credit determination letter. Prior to receiving approval, CME provider organizations may use the pending credit statement to market the activity as a whole.