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Fewer kids are getting vaccinations during COVID-19: what you can do

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports a "troubling drop" in childhood vaccinations as a result of families staying home during the pandemic. Because well-child visits and vaccinations are considered essential services, even now, practices should make these visits a priority.

Here are two ways physicians can help welcome kid patients into their practices.

1. Take basic safety precautions to keep kids safe. The CDC recommends the following:

  • Schedule sick visits and well visits during different times of the day,
  • Instruct patients to remain outside the practice until their appointment time to reduce the number of people inside and ensure social distancing,
  • Offer sick visits and well-child visits in different locations.

2. Get the word out via the following:

  • Use messages on your website, phone system, social media, or office signage to communicate that you take care of kids, they need to stay up-to-date on immunizations, and your office is safe,
  • Post childhood immunization schedules in highly visible areas, give them to parents, and become familiar with them,
  • Ask your insurance plans to include you on their lists of pediatric care options, and ask your internist and obstetrician colleagues for referrals, so you can add more kid patients to your practice.

Read the full FPM article: “Scope of Practice: Reclaiming Young Patient Care."

Posted on Oct 10, 2020 by FPM Editors

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