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  • This app tracks licenses, certifications, and CME

    Keeping state medical licenses and certifications current is foundational to any physician’s practice.

    CertAlert+ Med License Manager, a free mobile app developed by National Health Care Provider Solutions LLC, can help with that. The app (available on iOS or Android) allows users to upload photos or documentation of each license or certification, along with their expiration dates. It can then be programmed to email reminders to recertify or re-license, up to two months before they expire. There’s no limit on the number of licenses and certifications that can be entered.

    The app can also track users’ continuing medical education (CME) by title, subject, date, credits, instructor, and location. And it links to a website ( where users can sign up for training in things like cardiopulmonary resuscitation, automated external defibrillator use, first-aid, and bloodborne pathogens. (App reviewed March 2019.)

    Read the full FPM article: “Five Mobile Apps to Help You Organize Your Work and Your Life.”

    Posted on Jan 17, 2020 by FPM Editors

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