• Documentation Burden

    For every documentation burden, the AAFP offers innovations—techniques, technologies, and transformations—to help you change your practice environment. Each of these “3 T’s” provides an overview of documentation burden, describes its impact on family physicians, and discusses innovations that can provide relief.

    documentation burden

    Innovations to Change Your Practice Environment


    Adopt practical techniques that optimize current processes and workflows to improve the work environment.


    Choose an innovative technology or service that offers promise in reducing and even eliminating documentation burden.


    Learn about organizational changes a practice can make to modify its workflow, operations and practice models.

    We are working to put innovation within your reach. Learn how we got here.

    What is the AAFP doing to help with documentation burden?

    You devote significant time and resources to documenting patient visits electronically, then finding all the appropriate billing codes—time and resources that would be better dedicated to patient care. Central to the Academy’s fight for administrative simplification is our advocacy to simplify documentation requirements across payers while pushing for improvements to electronic health records and driving innovations to reduce documentation burden and time.