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Exploring your options? Register for a free virtual career fair on May 6, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CDT, to seize your opportunity in family medicine.

Managing Your Career

Seize Your Opportunity

Your career opportunities are nearly limitless in family medicine. These resources are tailored to support your journey in medicine’s most unbound specialty, from medical school to late career.

family physician caring for child patient

“The beauty of family medicine is that you can tailor it however you want and the possibilities are endless”

Career Planning

Career Coaching

A career coach can help you identify what you need most.

Career Benchmark Dashboard

See nationwide career and income data from family physicians.

Job Opportunities

Exploring your options? On May 6, 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. CDT, chat with top family med employers in one central place through AAFP CareerLink. Register now for the virtual career fair.

Job Search Support

Apply to family medicine jobs, set income expectations, and more.

Applying and Interviewing

Stand out in the application and interview processes and find your fit.

Contracts and Practice Scope

Employment Contracting

Confidently hire a lawyer, review, and negotiate your contract

Privileges and Credentialing

Secure the access you need to practice to your desired scope.

Well-being and Leadership

Physician Well-being

Maintain your well-being and help inspire a culture of wellness.

Leadership Development

Learn skills that help you reach your full potential.

Finances and Insurance

Personal Finance

Navigate milestone financial decisions in your career, plus explore how your membership can score you better interest rates and more.

Insurance Needs

Learn what insurance coverage you need to protect your assets and work with an AAFP Insurance professional to find the right policies.

Considering a Career in Family Medicine?

9 Signs Family Medicine Is Right for You

Find out if you’re a future family physician and see what resources the AAFP offers to help you find your place in the specialty.

Family Medicine Compensation and Satisfaction Data

Explore real-world career data from family physicians across the country. Compare career options and see what the specialty offers.